
When I started deadlifting again, doing even 150×10, it’d feel like I was hit by a convoy of buses the next day. Now doing 300×10 I am barely sore. It feels like a Mini Cooper attempted to hit me, and I then defeated it in single combat.

Amazing how the body adapts, and how quickly, too.

Mainly I have problems with the FA movement because it harms children and became the Fat Celebration movement and then proceeded to harm everyone else. But it’s also just not that hard, given the consequences of not doing so, to change your life enough where it matters.

No one needs to work out like I do. Most people can’t; they’d be in the hospital. But even doing 30 minutes three times a week you’ll still see 50% of the benefits I see while spending a quarter the time that I do (because I am attempting to optimize the curve of diminising returns).

I know I sound like an evangelist but mainly because I wish I’d started back at it earlier.