Apr 13


The truth is that ChatGPT is not very good, but is already smarter than 40-50% of humans. This is a sad reality.

Apr 12

Pigeons and Holes

Some people get visibly annoyed when they find out I’m an IT guy while being super-fit and muscular. It’s like I don’t fit in their stereotype bucket anymore, I think? That I’m not some slovenly, slobbery, unkempt heffalump as I am “supposed” to be.

People rely on pigeonholing and stereotyping more than anyone wants to really admit.

Apr 12


Man, just thinking back to the height of Covid when blue state scoldy people were like, The kids don’t need school or education! They can work in the fields and the mines like the olden days. They love it!

What the ever-livin’ hell was that about? Did they really believe it? Some appeared to. No one is going to be able to write a history of the Covid era that makes any sense. No one would buy a recounting of what actually occurred.

Apr 11

Cov What

I do not give a single crap about Covid or anything to do with it. It’s now irrelevant to anything.

Apr 11

Kaboom From LA to Khartoum

Americans are still not worried enough about the risk of world war.

This is 100% absolutely correct. Highest risk of world war and nuclear war right now since 1962. We are close to the edge and do not even realize it. We might step back from it. We might not. Time will tell. But it is right to be worried about this as history lately is rhyming an awful lot with what occurred in the 1930s.

It’s an enormous fuck-up that we didn’t help Ukraine and the rest of Europe push Putin right on out of Ukraine. We made that mistake, and now neo-fascists and authoritarians are emboldened everywhere. If Europe does not step up, the Baltic states and Poland will be consumed by Russia at some point in the next 3-7 years.

And Vladimir Putin, emboldened by Chinese production and intelligence support, and having staked not only his legacy but his regime’s entire reason for existence on the conquest of territory in East Europe, will have little reason to stop fighting no matter what the U.S. says. The U.S. could push Ukraine to cede land for peace, and it probably wouldn’t matter, because Putin wants all of Ukraine, and then he wants other European countries too

This is the problem exactly.

Apr 11

Hard Case

It’s strange is that there are maybe only a few hundred people in the entire country who understand how the housing market actually works and what drives prices. Tanta (Doris Dungey) was one of them before she died. I’m one. There were/are a few others, like Karl Case and Robert Shiller but the list is very fucking short for something so important.

Though one of the reasons the list is short is that the market is of supreme importance — thus, the better you can conceal what is occurring the more money you and your thievin’ friends and associates can make.

The societal-level misunderstanding is also because the housing market does not work like other, more-liquid markets where mobility is a given. People analogize selling a fuckin’ bagel or a TV to peddling a house when those things are as different as a jellyfish and a neutron star.

In another life, I’d write a book about how the housing market actually works, but ain’t nobody got time for that. I’ve got interesting people to hang out with and a trillion more books to read. Y’all do y’all’s own stupid without me.

Apr 11

Fight or Fight

I didn’t realize (parts of?) New Jersey had a culture similar to where I grew up in rural North Florida:

Sucks to be born into such a thing, trust me.