Don’t worry

Don’t worry that you can’t read this. It doesn’t matter. Just watch the awesomeness in the video at the bottom.

The woman in white is Olga Ivanova, Taekwando world champion. She intervenes when some dude is harassing a woman as she is passing by. It was filmed by a dashcam (very common in Russian cars).

What Olga does is the difference between training in real combat and not having it. I am in no way blaming the woman being assaulted, but notice she hits the guy several times and it has no effect. No training there.

Olga lands one not-all-that-hard kick in the right place and the guy goes down instantly. She most likely kicks him in the lower sternum, the same place that EMTs do the sternal rub. The reason is that doing anything to that spot is extremely, EXTREMELY painful. In fact, kick or punch someone there hard enough and it will kill them. At the least it will cause great pain and knock the air out of you.

Just from her poise and stance before she does anything at all you can tell that she has training, like you can always recognize a ballerina even when they aren’t dancing.