French experience

I’ve been looking for actual numbers, because that’s what I do. Turns out that most reported sexual violence even in France is already perpetrated by refugees/foreigners. That’s long been the case in Sweden which apparently as a country has a deathwish, but I didn’t know that about France.

Les 322 agresseurs identifiés par la police sont tous des hommes (pour les agressions sur majeurs), et âgés en moyenne de 34 ans. Plus de la moitié d’entre eux sont de nationalité étrangère (52 %) et 44 % sont sans emploi, rapporte le quotidien. 48 % d’entre eux étaient connus des services de police, dont 20 % pour des infractions sexuelles.

The important part of that is that 52% of the sexual assaults were committed by foreigners (which has a little different meaning in France than it does in the US). Admittedly this is only Paris and is a relatively-small sample…but still, think this is likely to decrease? Somehow magically get better?

Yeah, that whole “let anyone and their cat in” was a great idea, dontcha think?