If free

If college education were free, I think anyone who wishes to get any STEM or STEM-related degree should first be required to complete a degree in the humanities. Perhaps this could be shortened to three years to make it take less time, but still cover most of the same ground.

I think the world would be a much better place if all those who are now infected with engineeritis and who believe knowledge in their tiny field encompassed all human experience or possibility were exposed to more than just circuit diagrams, misogyny and a few programming languages.

Don’t worry, humanities people, I have something for you as well that you’ll just love.

I also think any humanities degree-holders as a condition of their graduation should minor in a truly rigorous science course of study (not Rocks for Jocks courses or similar) and be required to do at least some programming, modeling, high-level network design and configuration, or something along those lines.

Painful for all? Yes. Would it probably make society better? I think so.