Just no

This contention is really really wrong.

If everything in the universe suddenly got 100 times larger — and I am assuming we are talking the macro scale here — many bad things would happen all at once. So, so many bad things.

Your blood would no longer flow. You’d die from that pretty quickly. Also, gravity would be absolutely crushing, also preventing blood flow. And, you know, literally crushing you. The atmosphere at sea level would also be so dense that breathing would be impossible, even ignoring gravity and all other factors. And you’d begin overheating — even if you survived all the other things — in very short order since volume increases faster than surface area, and 100x increase for an endotherm is huge.

The only thing that might — might — survive for a little while are some fish. And then the sun would go supernova and then black hole shortly (assuming the 100x larger earth were moved out to the correct distance for a 100x larger sun) and it’d all end, anyway.

When you know nothing about anything, everything seems possible.