More beating the dead horse

Scientology and Fat Acceptance now vie for the stupidest, uh, mass movements out there.

Ribs showing when you lift your arms a sign of anorexia? Then nearly everyone in shape in all of history is anorexic. Hell, back when I could bench 250 pounds, run 12 miles without being tired at the end and do 130 push-ups without stopping I must’ve been just so anorexic* because my ribs (and abs) showed.

I hate the FA movement so much it’s not even funny because it’s so perfectly emblematic of everything that is completely fucked up in this country.

Oh, they aren’t the worst. No. That’d be our plutocrats and corporate overlords. But they take terrible to a very personal and unflinchingly idiotic level.

*Hint: You can’t do even one of those things and actually be actively anorexic.