No Lamp

Why I’m not enthusiastic about Medicare for All.

OK Boomer.

This is why so many people, including me, aren’t enthusiastic about Medicare for All. We expect that it’s going to put us all to work filling out paperwork and making multiple trips to less than congenial and comfortable government offices devoted to keeping the bureaucracy functioning first and helping us a distant second.

What a bunch of crap. Private insurance is far, far worse than that. And he’s dealing with SSI Disability (a totally different thing), not Medicare, as a commenter points out. And he’ll be the first to want to keep Medicare for himself but take it away from everyone else when he’s old enough to be on it. I guarantee that.

I can’t believe I used to like this dipshit years ago. He has the mental capability of a lamprey. Just like Drum, he’s happy if nothing changes and his house price doesn’t decrease an iota — and fuck everyone else.

The world will be better off when people like this die. I mean, I hope they live happy, clueless long lives. But it’s still true what I wrote at the beginning of the paragraph.