Mar 31

Cog Dec

What is one ugly truth you learned as you got older?

Most people do not get smarter or wiser as they age — they just get older. I sort of realized that as a kid, but it really hit home as an adult when I mainly had to deal with other adults. Age does not in fact produce wisdom. Often, quite the opposite as people lose their innate curiosity and drive to improve themselves that they possessed when younger. This causes de facto decline.

To put it more crudely, and contrary to popular belief, dumbasses generally stay dumbasses and many get worse as they age, not better.

Mar 30


All of those who advocated for extended lockdowns should never be allowed to decide on or be in charge of anything again.

Mar 30


This person is a dumbass. A very huge and very wrong dumbass.

This advice will steer your very, very poorly indeed. But it’s a common misperception of reality due to many people’s lack of ability to understand that coherent abstractions behave differently and can have completely divergent priorities from any of the people of which they are composed. Admittedly, this is a difficult concept to wrap one’s head around. But it is vital to not being an enormous dumbass about how reality and our sociocultural system works.

A company is a real thing, however. And it does not care about you. It does not have your best interests at heart except where they coincidentally align with its own goals. It does not love you and does not know about you at all. To a company, you are merely a part, and a replaceable (and disposable) one at that.

What the Reddit poster above is claiming is like saying there is no “human.” You’re just a bunch of cells that want to metabolize ATP and eliminate waste. This contention is exactly as ridiculous as what that Reddit doofus is claiming. And yet, many people do think that poorly. I feel sorry for their wasted brains.

Mar 29


Also, anyone who puts advertisements in a paid operating system should go to fucking jail. I am completely serious about that.

Mar 29

Not Everyone

Am I just new or is MgGraph super un-intuitive?

It’s terrible. Unusable. Designed by absolute clowns. But there are two reasons for this, one more dominant than the other. The first is the usual Microsoft incompetence and poor documentation.

The second, though, is the conviction dominant in the IT industry now that everyone should be a developer. This explains the over-complexity and that what used to take an already-long command now takes 3-5 lines and hundreds of characters. It’s absurd and insane. It’s more harmful than Microsoft realizes because most of those who will use it have no interest in becoming full-time developers so will start looking for alternatives (I know I am).

The idea that everyone should be a developer and spend all day programming is as ridiculous as the idea that everyone should be a carpenter or car mechanic. It’s not desirable, feasible or useful to anyone.

A deeper reason this has happened is that there were in the past more sys admins and related than developers in IT. But back around 2005 or so, this flipped so now devs dominate the field by about 4 to 1. And it shows — complexity has ramped up with no actual benefit and everyone is expected to toe the line that, yes, a 1,000-character statement replacing a 10-character command is in fact good because it’s “more specified” or some bullshit like that.

But that’s just complexity to justify a job and that’s about it.

Mar 29


It’s not easy having the mandate of heaven, but it’s a burden I’ll just have to live with.