Jan 26

Booking Out

There was a milfic book I read a few months ago that at first I thought was pretty ridiculous and I initially started reading it only for its comedic value but then I ended up really liking it.

It continued to be ridiculous but also had real heart and well-paced drama. And now, because I read so many books, I cannot find it and don’t remember enough details to easily Google it so that I can read the rest of the series. Dammit all.

I burned through that book in a few hours is why my dim recall, and the fact I’ve read several hundred books since then. But now it’s driving me a bit crazy that I cannot locate it nor the series.

Jan 25


There’s no tailing; we’ll sea. Might be able to claw them back, might not.

It was probably a lobster mobster who pinched them, hoping to shell them on the black market. Butter not get our hopes up. These things often end up in the tank.

Jan 25

Punching Out

I’m glad I’m not on Twitter so I can’t get banned for saying I am gonna punch some Nazis.

Because if I see some Nazis, I’m punching them. It’s the right and proper thing to do.

Jan 25


Bernie did more to shift the ol’ Overton Window than anyone else in the past 20 years. It is very strange, however, to see in many cases the same people who berated him and his ideas as completely unrealistic and delusional now championing them as utterly mainstream and obvious.

I mean, I’ll take it. But still weird.

Jan 25

A 90s Mystery

Since I hadn’t watched it in over 20 years, I decided I wanted to watch the Belly “Gepetto” video tonight. And I found this:

Now during the 90s I watched the “Gepetto” video about 900 times. That’s probably not much of an exaggeration as I was absolutely obsessed with Belly. So I was confused as I distinctly recalled Tonya having ear-length blonde hair (not red) and wearing a white dress in the video, and a bunch of kids running around clipping guitar strings and such. But it’s listed as the “official video” so I thought maybe my memory from all those years ago was just faulty.

After a bit more searching, though, I found the below video which is actually the one that aired all the time around 1993 or so, not the one listed as the “official” video. Why the change and re-writing of history, I don’t know. But the video that actually aired is better. And if you listen closely, you’ll notice that the mix and song is slightly different too. Also, Gail Greenwood (the bass player) is not in the first video, and is in the second one (and that’s whose very toned belly is featured in the thumbnail). It’s a 90s mystery!

The second video and song is definitely better — the bass really slaps as Greenwood was a more talented bass player than whoever was playing in the first version of the song.

Jan 25


Fortunately, I am a fucking madman. Never been anything else. I’m gaining muscle faster than dudes in their 20s. Honestly, I’m killing it. It’s a lot easier if you’ve done it before and you follow what other smart people have already done (I’m basically using a version of the training Hugh Jackman did for his Wolverine roles, with more emphasis on getting strong and less on appearance.)

Jan 25

Categorical Imperative

Oh god, not this again. The work of the antidiet crowd asks anyone touched by diet culture to entertain the possibility that body weight doesn’t, in itself, cause health issues.

Unfortunately, this is absolutely not supported by science. Quite the opposite. Even being moderately overweight increases your risk for these ailments to various degrees: diabetes; heart disease; cancer; high blood pressure; complications in pregnancy; kidney disease; fatty liver disease; sleep apnea; osteoarthritis.

And if you’ve read the (wrong) study that being moderately overweight has some protective effect, it was incorrect. See here for why and where it went wrong.

Using data from three large cohort studies, comprising over 225,000 individuals, the researchers demonstrated that, no, there was no protective effect of being overweight. In fact, there was a small, but significant, added risk for all-cause mortality.

This is not quite as horrible as intuitive eating but it’s close. The sad thing is that it is glancingly close to wisdom but instead it dives into the abyss of dopey feelgood inane goofy wishful thinking.

People it seems just want an escape from things just being hard. But that’s life. Sometimes it’s difficult. A slog. A sore trial. There’s no deliverance from this, and definitely none if you want to improve yourself. It makes me really glad I became a paratrooper and did the other very difficult things I did in my life. I know just how hard the world can be. After those tribulations, all else came to seem easy. What stresses other people just seems barely a gnat to me. People wonder how I can just walk out of meetings or confront people in public. But I’ll tell you why. Death held my hand more than a few times, pulled me close in the dark, told me its secrets, and after that I became untouchable, the master of myself. No one else had dominion. Borrowed time is the best time because I never plan on paying it back.

There’s nothing wrong with being weak and soft. I truly believe that. I sometimes wish I were both of those things. My life would’ve been easier. But there’s also no reason to lie about it, to deny the truth of how the world works and the danger you expose yourself and others to with those lies, those distortions.

Even if you are weak and soft, you still owe others truth. Or at least you should.

Jan 24


It’s hilarious to watch economists dismiss the social sciences as pseudoscientific when economics itself is 80% malarkey and hogwash while the social sciences are only 50% worthless dead ends and sewage.

But economics has more math! So it has to be better! Mathing it up, though, only means it’s just as wrong, but more abstrusely, and with more of the Greek alphabet.