Sep 01

Karl (not Marx)

Mining some notes I made on my Kobo a while ago. What I love about Polanyi and The Great Transformation is that he does not ignore the cultural impact of economics and vice versa, as in this passage where he describes the true impoverishment of industrial dislocation:

England’s rural civilization was lacking in those urban surroundings out of which the later industrial towns of the Continent grew. There was in the new towns no settled urban middle class, no such nucleus of artisans and craftsmen, of respectable petty bourgeois and townspeople as could have served as an assimilating medium for the crude laborer who — attracted by high wages or chased from the land by tricky enclosers — was drudging in the early mills. The industrial town of the Midlands and the Northwest was a cultural wasteland; its slums merely reflected its lack of tradition and civic self-respect. Dumped into this bleak slough of misery, the immigrant peasant, or even the former yeoman or copyholder, was soon transformed into a nondescript animal of the mire. It was not that he was paid too little, or even that he labored too long—though both happened often to excess—but that he was now existing under physical conditions which denied the human shape of life.

Wish we could’ve preserved this tradition of economics where one actually strives to understand something rather than obfuscating it in math and jargon.

Sep 01


People are now keen on claiming that self-driving cars are impossible. They aren’t only possible, they are inevitable. It’s a tech that so many are working on, that is not intractably difficult, for which most of the worst problems have already been solved.

And it’s not that self-driving cars are great, miraculous tech, it’s more that humans are terrible, inattentive drivers, and nearly anything is better than that.

I remember when smartphones were “impossible,” when rockets that returned to earth and landed themselves upright were “impossible,” when gene editing was “impossible.”

A whole lot of things that people claimed were impossible are now common. Funny, that.

Sep 01


One of the most mystifying events I’ve seen in my life is people claiming that you can weigh 300+ pounds and be healthy.

For a human, that is just not a thing.

Aug 31


“Let no one young delay to study philosophy, nor when old grow weary of its study. For no one can come too early or too late to secure the health of the soul. And the one who says that the age for philosophy has either not yet come or has gone by is like the one who says that the age for happiness is not yet come or has passed away.”

– Epicurus, Letter to Menoeceus

Aug 31

Bam bam

Obama blew the biggest opportunity in history and we’re all going to be paying for that unforgivable flub for a long, long time. Every day I realize even more what a useless mook weenie he was and wish he would’ve done the right thing by the country even once.

Aug 31

Speed Beep

Co-worker riding in my car yesterday on the way to lunch: “Wow, this car is fast! You’re really flooring it!”

Me: “Uh, I have the accelerator about a quarter of the way down now. I can’t actually floor it on this road because we’d be doing over 100 less than six seconds from now.”

Most people have never ridden in car that’s really fast rather than some playtoy car that just looks fast on the outside — especially most women, which my co-worker was (and still is, I presume), since they are not as often part of car culture.

After a year of having the SS, I can report that it’s a great car. It has no flaws in anything I care about. It’s an extremely low-volume, special-interest car that has the bugs I expected, mainly in the electronics systems. The electronics portion was obviously tested for literally tens of minutes, likely by someone with a blindfold and listening to Metallica at top volume.

The most hilarious electronics bug is one that I ran into yesterday morning. It has a parking assist system that comes on whenever you put the car into reverse. It’ll park itself if you let it. I never have because that’s just not my thing. It beeps a lot. A whole lot. I usually hit the button to turn it off when it starts beeping. All fine and good, though annoying a bit.

But this is the bug. The above is just poorly-designed electronics stuff. What happened is that I hit the button to turn off the parking assist right as one of the periodic beeps was occurring and instead of stopping, the beep continued non-periodically and just kept going…and going…and going. I started pressing buttons until it eventually went off.

Truly, all the electronics could be removed (if such a thing were possible in a modern car) and that’d be peachy with me. I don’t need or want any of it. The car itself is wonderful to drive. Utterly poised, capable, wicked fast, discreet and even gets decent gas mileage on the interstate for what it is.

If you want a car that’s a complete blast to drive and that cops don’t even glance at, the SS is the one for you.

Aug 30


Jesus fuck, someone writing sensibly about Heinlein for the first time in many years.

When I was plowing through the shelves of my local library, the few Heinlein books I discovered literally changed my life. They made more difference to my thinking and my approach to the world than any other books that I read at that time.

When I was 8 or 10, no one told me that women could be starship captains.

Heinlein did.

No one told me that sex didn’t have to be some fearful, shameful thing, and that women enjoyed sex, too.

Heinlein did.

No one told me that the future might be really different, and that we’d have things that I couldn’t even imagine, and that I might see and learn things that no one could even conceive of in a backwards hick 1980s North Florida town.

Heinlein did, and he was right; the future (now) is vastly different than where and how I grew up.

In the feminist rush to declare Heinlein an evil dead white male, they forget that he was writing about ideas and concepts that no one else at all was writing about, very subversively for the most part for his time, and that for young people like me who were living in places that nearly amounted to Christian fundie Bible camps, finding Heinlein on the shelf meant my mind had a chance to think far bigger thoughts than it would have without him.

I’d never even read or heard of an sf novel with a girl as the main character before I read Podkayne of Mars when I was 9 or so. (Hint: Because there weren’t really any.)

Heinlein was not perfect. But he was so much better than almost all else at the time and finding his novels on the shelf opened my world in ways that I am eternally grateful for.