Jan 05


The problem I have with some of the hating “Nice Guys” – even though I agree with much of 2297_1500x1500it – is that all too often, perhaps most of the time, it becomes an exercise in bullying and nerd-shaming.

For most people, especially people who are used to being underdogs, there is nothing more satisfying than being able to bully someone who can’t fight back.

This is why I hate most people, by the way – the bullied are often just as content to become the bullies when they can get away with it.

And shaming socially awkward people (mostly men) is one way that some (most?) feminists and others can get away with it at the moment, in the guise of shaming Nice Guys.

Look, I hate the whole Nice Guy shtick, too. It’s vile. But just like with the concept of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl, the concept – while useful at first – morphed into something that came to encompass anyone who is socially awkward and male at the same time. And lately, I’ve even seen socially awkward women shamed by these idiots.

There is no one easier to shame than unattractive, socially-awkward people. That’s why it’s done so much!

Rarely do I see anyone but the rare few like Edward Snowden attempt to shame the truly sad_fantasy_art_tree_print_-_heartache_and_poetry_40__by_jaime_best_a57fbbdepowerful.

Fuck, that shit is dangerous! That’s why aint’ nearly nobody doing it.

But denigrating those too weak or awkward to fight back, now that’s pure fun!

When I first started seeing talk of Nice Guys it was an honest critique of a genuine phenomenon, of clueless and entitled young men attempting to parley (usually disingenuous) friendship into sex and then being grossly offended that this transaction did not ring up at the register.

Lately, this idea of the “Nice Guy” has more become a method to attack and shame those who are usually physically and/or socially unattractive (usually both) who express the shocking desire that they might one day want to be in a relationship.

And that’s bullying, and I won’t have any part in it no matter what it costs me.

Jan 04

Yelling at clouds

I love technology, but I don’t really fit in the modern era in most ways. Social media is just lost on me. It’s a mental trap that sucks you in and makes you dumber.

“The volume is much greater,” Reichelt says. “Now, keeping up with people non-stop on social media is mundane, not a novelty.”

The idea of keeping up with social media makes me feel nauseous.

Jan 04


This was one of the dumbest decisions Microsoft has ever made.

It’s the main reason that any home lab I make in the future will be running on CentOS (clone of Red Hat Enterprise Linux) and one of the reasons I decided to obtain my RHCE – if Microsoft like Mozilla decides to alienate its core evangelists, then its future might be limited.

I had to set up a Microsoft lab to obtain my MCSE, but when I rebuild it, it’ll be with CentOS.

Good work, Microsoft. See you’ve learned well from Mozilla.

Jan 04


Upstream Color is the worst film I’ve seen in the past few years.

I watched it over a year ago now and it stuck with me like a case of antibiotic-resistant staph.

All style and no substance, all gimcrackery and hackery with so much pretension that it even appeals to people who apparently don’t even like movies.

The first 10 minutes are actually pretty decent. It had the base of a good story, perhaps.

But then it went oh so very wrong.

It’s probably not the worst film I’ve ever seen – I’ve seen thousands of movies – but it’s certainly in the top 20 or 30 or so.

Jan 03

Fuck Mozilla and Fuck Firefox

I need to build a fucking robot that follows around and punches all Firefox developers in the face every 30 seconds. For infinity.

For the first time today, I got bit in the wild by the ridiculously fucking idiotic decision to drop support for a type of encryption that millions of devices that use a web interface (even in the enterprise these days, that’s most of them) use for config.


Yeah, that’s right. No way to log in. None. This isn’t some software from ancient times. Nope. It’s a NetApp SAN simulator from 2013. There is no newer release. This is current software. I am learning NetApp SANs and since I don’t want to spend $50,000 on one of their SANs…yeah, you get the idea.

And Firefox doesn’t support it at all.

Whoever the assclown ignoramus who made this fucking decision should have my infinity-punching robot set to initiate walloping every second.

When I am in an enterprise environment again, I will make every effort to eradicate all installs of Firefox on the network — both with corporate policy and with scripting — with extreme prejudice.

I no longer recommend anyone use Firefox under any circumstances.

By the way, I was able to use Chrome to log in.

(Note: I actually use PaleMoon, but this code is also present in PaleMoon.)

Jan 03


Systemd and Gnome Shell were designed by complete and utter morons who should never work in IT again.

That is all.

Jan 02

Priv ledge

I hate the term “privilege” and even though I sometimes use it myself, I mostly wish it would just die. As presently used, it harms any analysis rather than helps.

Strangely, someone on Tumblr said it best to self-referentially discredit the privilege police.

Privilege isn’t a neat little math equation where you can add and subtract how many rights someone has based on a bunch of check boxes. You can’t assume either that just because someone technically should have a privilege they are automatically better off because of it. A lot of privilege stuff is just better odds in a lottery you can still lose.

People need to stop measuring the level of rights real people have based on a hypothetical chart that cannot possibly cover every variable. It’s fucking harmful and dehumanizes everyone.

Most of the time it’s just used to shout people down, and most of the time the people you’re screaming at about it don’t have a clue what you’re on about.

Much of the time, it’s also used as a weapon against people who’ve already been harmed in some way.

Sorry, being informed that I have privilege is useless to me to “make it all better” when I’m being stabbed in the face.

For instance being told my complaints are invalid because I had “privilege” when my family was on the bottom of the totem pole in rural North Florida where people acted like we were true scum when we had the gall to walk into a bank – yeah, not going to help!

It’s fine in an academic setting. Other than that, it’s worthless and harmful.

Jan 01

Conversations with recruiters

This is true. It’s happened to me.


Conversation with a recruiter several years ago who had called me by accident and was backpedaling after realizing I didn’t have a degree, lightly edited and as best I recall:

Recruiter: I apologize, I didn’t realize you did not have a degree.

Me: No degree, but I’m currently doing the job that you’re hiring for.

Recruiter: But you’re not qualified for this position due to no degree.

Me: Ok, but I’m actually currently doing this job in real life, like right now. I’m at work doing what you’re hiring for right now.

Credentialism doesn’t help anyone as Sarah Kendzior often points out. It doesn’t help companies as someone having a degree or not in 99% of fields only has a really middling relationship with their actual job performance.

And of course it really hurts individuals.

If you don’t hire me, your loss.

I’m fucking awesome at my job.

Jan 01

Just as dumb

Young people are just as technologically and politically dumb as old people. Or conversely, age doesn’t equal wisdom in either direction.

we finally got rid of files. dropbox, google drive, soundcloud, spotify, netflix, hbogo, youtube, wattpad, kindle, and a host of other cloud based services finally killed off three letter filenames like mp3, mov, doc and xls. spending a week in the caribbean with young adults and bad internet was the tell on this one for me. they don’t even have mp3s on their iphones anymore!

As if getting rid of files is some laudable goal. If you don’t have the file, you don’t have shit.

It could be taken away at any time and some big company could force you to re-rent it again. The perpetual rental model is something the copyright industry has been striving for since at least the 1930s and probably earlier.

Technologically, they are finally able to achieve it.

So you people don’t keep anything locally? Good luck keeping anything at all long-term.

I guarantee at some point it’ll be taken from you by some large corporation.

Dec 31


I’d never carry a concealed gun. It’s an idiot thing to do.

But if you ever do, it should be in a shoulder holster or similar where it never leaves your body. Ever.

It shouldn’t be in your purse or your briefcase or anywhere else.

Normally I’d not recommend shoulder holsters as they aren’t as safe as other holster types to the individual with the gun, but in the case of shoulder holsters the risk is all on YOU. And no one can take the gun from you without you noticing.

So if you must be a fucktard and carry a concealed weapon in a non-combat environment, then use a shoulder or other similar on-body holster. It’s the most likely way to only kill yourself when you do something stupid with your gun.

And there are options for women now, too, which was not true for a long time. This and this seem pretty good.

How to properly draw from a shoulder holster without shooting yourself.

Note: I have only used the standard US Army shoulder holster and one my dad owned, brand unknown.

The US Army one was not designed for concealment, though, but for access.