Jun 21

Being and Nothingness

What’s the worst thing about being a man?

I haven’t read any of the responses, but the worst part of being a man is that you are treated like a predator and dangerous by everyone. It’s impossible to have a normal interaction with anyone — particularly women — because you are seen as a default threat, and not worthy of respect or consideration because of that. Your every action is suspect, and your motivation for doing anything is questioned.

Women think they get too much attention? Try being given so much negative attention all the time. Society treats men as completely disposable and as a huge threat by default, no matter what you do or how you try to get around it.

Jun 20

De Jure

Modern libs be like: I’m sex positive! Positive it’s terrifying and a power imbalance is definitely involved and always a dealbreaker and should be illegal!

Jun 20

Hot Naked

Yes I know this is satire, but it gets at an important point: there are multiple types of power — not just the frankly absurd PMC lib notion of “power” — and being sexually desirable is indeed a huge one. One of the issues is that the only type of power the PMC libs can imagine is related to “will this further my career” and/or “what will HR think,” so anything else is utterly foreign to their apperception of life and how it works.

Jun 18


Ah yes, the classic: the lib who will cancel you very fucking hard if you insist that cancel culture is a real thing. See these tweets and such fairly commonly.

Jun 18

Up What Creak

The Hinges of History Creak.

Not a very insightful analysis. Yes, we are in times of change but the Russian military (sans nuclear weapons) is no threat at all to NATO. They’d be crushed in weeks if they moved against any NATO country. Days, more likely. The threat of China is overrated and overstated, as well (economically, militarily is a different matter).

This is just another boring example of linear extrapolation of recent trends and will work about as well as you’d expect, if you have a brain. It’s one of those “tough-minded” analyses that really says nothing new or even really analyzes anything. It’s crap, but it’s smart people crap so a lot of mooks will be snookered by it.

This is just light Russian-sponsored agitprop to attempt to blunt opposition. Easy to see through.

Jun 18

Active V

Always wondered if Long Covid was persistent low-level infection that never got cleared. Seems like that might be the case.

Jun 17


Among the under-30 set, prudishness is at highs not seen since perhaps the Great Awakening in the 1730s and 1740s. It’s hard for people to acknowledge this because usually prudishness occurs because of some form of organized religion and this time, that is not the direct cause. I don’t quite understand what is, but it’s not that.

A friend of mine suggested our current age’s precarity as a cause, but I don’t quite buy that either as the evidence seems to indicate that typically people have more sex in times of precarity, because what does it matter what you do? There’s no future anyway.

The complete explanation remains a mystery.

Jun 17

Like Sex

A lot of people are taught — I was — that women don’t actually like sex at all, that they merely put up with it, and that if you attempt to have sex with a woman it is automatically harmful and degrading to her.

Many liberals have embraced this philosophy fully, but have also removed it out of the religious context in which it is typically embedded. That somehow makes it even worse because then it becomes an even deeper core belief.

On the other hand, this is also true: