May 05

Algebra 2 Too

I could understand absolutely nothing in Algebra 2. I never successfully solved/figured out the first equation in that class, and I took it twice. From the first day on I had no idea what was going on, even when I was trying.

One of my two teachers was even pretty good I think — but I just have no talent for math and shouldn’t have been required to take a class so irrelevant to my (and nearly everyone’s) life. I sat in that class for a full two years, understanding nothing. Complete waste of time.

May 05


There’s now a battle on the left over if we should continue to follow onerous lockdown and social distancing restrictions even after vaccination, and if society should return to some semblance of normal.

A lot of people on the left are disingenuously framing it is a matter of individual choice, that if they, or someone, wants to wear 10 masks and hide inside crying, it should be allowed. And I agree with that! It should be. Everyone should be allowed to be an assclown in their own individual way. That’s as American as invading countries and bombing brown people.

The problem, though, is that they still want to enforce this on the rest of us while claiming it’s an individual choice. They want us cooped up, shamed into wearing masks even outdoors, all ready for the bug-eating’ pod life, because it’s more convenient to them and their delusions.

But I don’t care about their delusions, and I’m not (as many have argued) going to continue to wear a mask all the time because it shows sympathy for India. The problem is, that doesn’t actually help India. That country needs oxygen, vaccines, vax IP, and drugs, not symbolism.

I won’t have any part in the left’s pusillanimous delusions no more than I will participate in those of the right.

May 05


99.9%+ of people do not understand how risk works. Mooks who will drive a car like a fucking maniac and not get vaccinated, etc.

I think this is probably a basic malfunction of the human OS.

May 05

Always Wondered

People get so angry when you try to improve yourself! They really do. It’s always been mystifying to me.

For instance, at least 90% of the feminist rejection of pick-up artist culture is of “undeserving” men attempting to learn to be more social, not the actual misogyny involved (of which there is also quite a lot at the fringes). They see it is as the unworthy learning to manipulate them, rather than what it mostly is — poorly-socialized men learning how to talk to women.

The offense, in other words, is just the same as when people like Ian Welsh get angry at weightlifters: fury at those who haven’t “earned” it somehow upgrading themselves.

But I have and will continue to upgrade myself in all sorts of ways. Let the haters cry. It’s about all they are capable of, so at least give that to them.

May 04

Pet Pet

Oh, that is quite obviously what is happening. These days I hardly know which contingent to hate more — the left or the right team. And I say “team” deliberately. Ok. Yes, it’s the right. They are the anti-maskers and the anti-vaxxers so deserve special contempt.

Still, my side is absolutely chock full of ridiculous assclowns and it makes me sad.

May 04


I got the Moderna one and I can see the yawning horror of the void. So I picked it up and licked it and said, “You’re mine now.”

May 04


“Free Fallin'” by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers.

May 04


The decline of forums and blogs has rendered the internet nearly useless. That’s the corporate dream, of course, and apparently also the aspiration of many regular people as well.

Still, though, what a loss.