Mar 26

Not Strange Enough

Did not care for Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell.

I think it’s just that I don’t like tricks that I could pull. Sure, I could write like Eliot or Brontë or Braddon, but why would I want to produce some dim mockery of Victorian lit? And, furthermore, why would I want to read that?

I don’t want to do either, and therefore did not enjoy JS&MN.

Mar 26


Suez Canal Transit.

Yep, that’s the Egypt I remember. A bribery and favor economy where everything is a negotiation and everyone is underpaid and half-competent. And there’s a lot of yelling.

Mar 26

Team Go

Most people have no ideological consistency of any kind. This has been known for a while. They are just cheering for a team. Could be any team, as long as they feel they belong on it.

Mar 25


I thought this, too. The problem, though, is that Norway, Sweden and Finland are not the same and lockdown was not the only factor that differed. I bet lack of facemask use in Sweden mattered a lot more. That was a crucial mistake, and it makes using that country as a natural experiment for anything nearly impossible.

Everyone uses Sweden as some sort of example: lower death rate than most of the rest of Europe, despite lack of lockdowns, so that somehow vindicates the anti-lockdown view. But, higher death rate than their near-peers, so that means lockdown is completely worthwhile and the obvious policy.

Both sides are wrong, and wrong for more than one reason.

The first reason both sides err is as I’ve stated above: you can’t directly compare “peer” countries who were not doing the same things. Or to other countries! There are just too many pertinent differences. It just makes no sense. We don’t know how to control for lack of mask use because though we know they work, we don’t know how well or even how to measure compliance. Etc.

The second reason both sides have flawed arguments is that arguments over policy are attempting to use science to determine what’s best for humans and the governments thereof. Science cannot do this. If a society wishes to accept a higher death rate for more freedom, why can they not do this? Why should they not? I’ve seen no one develop a real argument for or against this proposition because most people don’t have nearly enough grounding in ethics or philosophy to argue this either way, and the polemics I see from either side are laughably weak and pitiful.

So, Sweden: an example of not much in the end, despite everyone wanting it to be their little pet data point.

Mar 25


If being in shape is hateful, then I resolve to exude pure hate. If containing my urge to consume is shaming, then I will be an unrepentant shamer. If exhibiting dignity and self-control is spiteful, then I will emanate megawatts of spite. If not hewing to corporate propaganda is unpatriotic, then a traitor I will ever be. If wanting to be able to walk more than 100 feet without wheezing like a steam locomotive is reproachful to others, then they deserve my reproach.

Take responsibility for yourself, how you are and what you become. No one else can or will.

Mar 24


Just realized I actually use 10 different web browsers now, to do what Firefox used to do singularly. I had miscounted before because I forgot about a VM I use from time to time.

Clown world is just the world forevermore I guess.

Mar 24

PMC No Sex

I was thinking about the liberal terror of sex this morning and I wonder how much of that just comes about as a marker for wanting to join the PMC? Had not thought about that angle before but I think I am onto something there.

Now, I do think it is real terror. They’re not faking anything. But I think this fear is instantiated and activated by the desire to signal that they are serious, robotic, neoliberal- and capital-friendly people, always ready and even happy to comply with the strictures of Human Resources, ever prepared to toady up to the nearest VC or C-level exec.

The license and licentiousness of sex gets in the way of all that, and thus it must be shunned and not just publicly but everywhere, even in their own minds and hearts, until it becomes in fact who they really are.

Mar 24


Fuck yes. Getting an e-reader with not a pitifully tiny screen was so very much worth it. On the small e-readers, I have to turn the page every 7-10 seconds. That sucks so much.