Feb 02

No Hexercise

This is correct.

However, I’d still advise changing it up so what you’re doing doesn’t get stale. This leads to better results over time as you are more likely to keep with the program. Those exercises, though, will produce maximum results with minimum time. They are foundational, most of them are compound, and all transalate quite well to real-world strength (despite what you may have been told by people who, surprise, don’t work out).

Feb 02

Very Taxing

Thinking about changing my name to “Diego” and moving to Guatemala rather than doing my taxes this year. Not because I don’t want to pay, but just because it’ll make me volcanically grumpy.

And no one wants that.

Feb 02

Right To Suffer

Yeah. Even though I have some libertarian and, rarely, some right-wing (not alt-right) sympathies, this is why I could never be part of that faction: all too many of them are literal sadists. They like watching people suffer. Especially if those people are women, or black, or trans. They don’t just look the other way, like some liberals/Dems do. No, they actively enjoy it and want it to occur. They enjoy seeing kids in cages, watching the “wrong” people get bombed into oblivion, and want the poor and the homeless to suffer “for their own good.”

To be clear, not all of them are this way. But if you want to go where the vast majority of the actual sadists are, you go to the right.

Feb 02

In Transit

I wonder how much of the left’s utter obsession with trans issues was seeded by the plute class to sap energy from more substantive issues that could actually alter the status quo.

Because if I were in the plute class, that’s what I’d be doing. It’d pay off and has paid off. Betcha that’s been happening and is still ongoing.

Feb 02

Nothing Like Shoebiz

I want these. I fucking hate putting on shoes. Always have. Not wearing them, mind you. Putting them on. I don’t know why and I don’t care.

So yes, I really want these.

Feb 02


Accepting no risk is the life of a coward. As a society, we are huge cowards who actually pull risk towards us because accepting no risk eventually leads to the opposite.

There is so much possibility, all squandered. In this the liberals are just as bad as the conservatives. They both wish us to stay earthbound, beat-down, cowering beneath a thin gauze of atmosphere, incurious and incapable.

The universe awaits better. It has time.

Feb 02

Poor Thought

The news about the vaccines continues to be excellent — and the public discussion of it continues to be more negative than the facts warrant. Here’s the key fact: All five vaccines with public results have eliminated Covid-19 deaths.

But, but…someone had an allergic reaction and had to be held in the hospital for a few hours for observation. OH NOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And someone somwhere got reinfected! AYIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!

People cannot think. Like at all.

Feb 01

Fear Lies

If people were as afraid of Covid-19 as they are of sex, this pandemic would’ve been over in three weeks.