Jun 13


Why is it, though, that liberals are so obsessed with staying inside forever? I cannot fucking understand it. That was never going to work, and it was never the plan. I know they have to prove their deontological bona fides and all that horseshit, but sheltering indoors for years is really not a thing that could happen and have much of a civilization at the end of it.

It’s just as much performative wankery as the anti-mask demonstrations and that sort of crap, just more “realistic.”

Fuck all ya’ll.

Jun 13

Fall Out

In a real country, we’d have community police (not fucking current death squad pseudo-military police) fining people $1,000 for reckless endangerment if someone went into a shop or smilar without a mask.

The US has no hope against the pandemic and it’s totally going to whip our ass come fall.

Jun 13

Rejected Dejected Projected

I’m below average in sociality (not skills) and below average in number of women I’ve ever approached (online or off), and I estimate I’ve been rejected 600-800 times.

For the average man my age, it’s probably like 1,500-2,000 times.

I think most women would shoot themselves in the head if they got rejected as often, and as cruelly, as men often experience. In this area, women just have no goddamn clue. None at all.

Jun 13

No Bug

The one thing good that might come out of the pandemic is the repudiation and rejection of the liberal, “Don’t travel, don’t have fun, live in the pod, eat bugs” nonsense.

Turns out, that life is fucking terrible.

Jun 13

Jumping Bridges

This was obviously going to happen, and the Pandemic Depression is going to make it so much worse.

Jun 13

Free Dumb

But the free market….

Ok, anyone who thinks housing has had or ever will have anything to do with a free market is so delusional that there is just no reaching them.

Jun 13

Light It

Also, 95% of the liberal “concern” about age differences and even most of #metoo is about keeping the top 10% of women’s dating pool as they’d prefer it to be. When viewed this way, it makes total sense. Otherwise, it’s a pointless freak-out.