Jan 07


It’s amazing how just a few more inches of muscle makes you look more imposing.

A woman I work with said she glanced across the parking lot this morning as I was walking in (I park far away) and thought, “Huh, who is that bruiser walking across the parking lot?” And then she realized it was me.

Ha. Absolutely no one would’ve described me as a “bruiser” a year ago. I don’t really think it’s that accurate, because I think a bruiser really needs to be over 200 pounds, but I sure am a lot different than I was then.

Jan 06

Cost Accounting

With the war in Iran looming, remember that what it’ll cost could’ve paid for Medicare for All four times over, and a complete conversion to renewable energy for the entire US — as well as free college for everyone.


Jan 06

Fight Throng

And we should send all those people to fight in Iran. Problem solved.

Jan 06


That’s pretty much it. Really need to increase my meat consumption greatly. Bittman was wrong, mostly.

Jan 05

Eat Some Sense

Fuck this awful bullshit. Might as well put “Sponsored by NabiscoTM” after it.

Food has no moral value, agreed. But that doesn’t mean one should just consume it for kicks. It has consequences, though we are not really allowed to talk about that openly any longer. (You feet will let you know, though, when they fall off due to diabetes at 50.)

Why do people care so much about enforcing mediocrity, of being worse than they can be? Of course it’s because capitalism depends on this, but why do people apparently want this? Because I want no part of any of this.