
Reading things like this, one begins to realize how delusional modern liberalism has become.

I normally agree with Laurie Penny and have long endeavored to read everything she writes — but when one is in the grips of an ideology, it is impossible for her or for any of the “everything is racism and all cultures are equally great” liberals to see things clearly.

I do agree with her that all sexual assault should be prosecuted — that for harassment and rape and all such crimes, there should be no tolerance whether the perpetrators are German or Syrian. At least she’s not (mostly) making the usual argument that “it’s just their culture.” But what she is doing is pretending that Germany was a country that had a major problem with sexual assault — it did not — and that there is no categorical difference between the violently- and virulently-misogynist men Germany insists on importing and German citizens.

And then shamefully — as Penny does — telling the woman who will be assaulted by these men on the streets that “German men are just as bad.” Which is demonstrably not true both by data and by anecdote. And is truly reprehensible and a betrayal of the very women she is pretending to be concerned with.

But hey, she made the right noises so her karma is good, right?

On that list I linked to earlier, did you notice how very high the sexual assault rate in Sweden is? Ever wonder why? Of course it’s politically unacceptable to talk about it (as if I give a fuck), but it’s because of Sweden cursing itself with influx after influx of North African/Islamic refugees.

No mystery there.

Did I just offend you?

Good. That often leads to thinking. As in this article.

When refugees arrive in Western countries, they bring with them violent and sexist cultural attitudes that contributed in part to the mess they fled. Consider a global survey by the Pew Research Center; when asked if women should have equal rights, only 45 per cent of Egyptian men agreed, compared to 97 per cent of Germans. Similarly, not a single Arab or North African nation makes it into the top 100 counties ranked in the most recent World Economic Forum’s gender-gap report. Those medieval attitudes translate into barbaric actions. Due to reporting variances, tracking sexual assault statistics between countries is extremely difficult, but a large comparative database created by the WomanStats Project ranks Muslim countries among the world’s most dangerous places for women. If you’re surprised that some refugee groups in Europe commit crimes at a higher rate than the general population, you’re either not paying attention or you are lying to yourself.

And the US sexual assault rate being so high? Not refugees. Nope, just a ridiculously patriarchic and fundamentalist culture here. Kind of remind you of anything? Like Islam?

Huh. Funny that.

I confuse the shit out of people because they think they have pigeonholed me. But there ain’t no hole I can fit in. I explode out of them like a Hellfire missile, delivering a flaming epistle.

Ah, he seems to hate refugees, he must be a conservative. What? He thinks 50% of all CEOs and board members of any corporations should be required by law to be women, supports UBI and Social Security and — oh my god — socialism? BRAIN BREAKING ABORT ABORT ABORT

He supports Jill Stein, reads Andrea Dworkin, believes in reducing the military to less than 100,000 active duty and supports radical equality and qualified eugenics, too — and admires the Black Panthers and Malcolm X? HOW POSSIBLE?

Here’s the thing, though: when you think for yourself, everybody’s gonna hate you. And you fit nowhere. No tribe will have you.

Fine with me; I’m so used to it that I’ve come to like it.

The crazy uncle archetype fits me well. I’d rather be right than respected; right than accepted; rather be right than with conformity tainted, with broad brush painted, me and the truth unacquainted.

Yeah, I’m a pugnacious little prick, North Florida redneck from way back, never sure I’m on the right track but not afraid to circle back, take the other tack, fly through the flak. Wish others could learn that trick, see what makes me tick.

Because this liberal moron bullshit just makes me sick.