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I think a lot of trust-fund, college-coddled, student-for-life types (Laurie Penny and her ilk) really do not mentally become adults until their thirties or perhaps forties. This phenomenon is less likely to occur in men because even most wealthy men realize the vast indifference of the universe towards them quite early in life, money or no.

But for some women like Laurie, sure, I can see them not developing beyond teenhood until they are 40. So when they posit that they were nothing but a wittle tiny helpless baby even when they were 32, I think they are in fact telling their own truth. I haven’t spent time around many women like that so it’s hard for me to accept that it could be an actual thing I think. Most of the women I know worked early, endured hard experiences, had no trust fund and were fully adults mentally by the time they hit 18.

Unfortunately, these trust-fund babies-till-they’re-40 types dominate media and attempt to force absurd morals based on their very limited and cloistered experiences on the rest of us — and harm a lot of women in the process by removing their agency and erasing their lives and experiences.