
In this case, I disagree with the prescription here for dealing with anti-vaxxers.

We can’t make people vaccinate themselves and their children. But we can make that a more expensive proposition for them, and a less dangerous proposition for the rest of us, by speaking out and making unnecessary anti-vax choices less societally acceptable.

Though I usually disagree with the use of the carceral system as a deterrent — or even the idea thereof — this is one of the rare cases where using it as a disincentive would be effective.

Because it is almost all upper-middle-class people who don’t vaccinate. And nothing would deter them more than seeing a few percent of their fellow yuppie peers in the slammer for a good long stretch.

This would actually work in this case. Throw a few thousand anti-vaxxers in federal prison, the rest will be screaming, but they will be vaccinating.

At least most of them, because for most religion is only a pretext, an excuse, not a true belief foundational to their anti-vaxxing madness.