Day: December 21, 2024, 10:43 PM
I think I’ve figured Ian Welsh out. He’s just angry he’s not an American.
That makes a ton of sense, when you think about it. We tend to vilify what we deeply, deeply want and can never have. Poor Ian.
People are so pointlessly concerned about burning bridges, even when they themselves get mistreated.
I will burn the bridge and the damn entire town too when someone treats me poorly or gets on my bad side. I do not give a fuck. This policy has served me very well in life, by the way, even before I had a boatload of money.
Accepting abuse meekly just invites more abuse, whether you’re talking in your personal or professional life. And I refuse. I endured that for too many years.
I’m also so glad my partner does not use social media. The last commenter is correct; social media has absolutely destroyed women and their mental health, far worse than men. Many of them are incredibly addicted to it, much more severely than any men accused of being addicted to porn or gambling or other such things.
If I were dating now I’d work very hard to find a woman who does not use social media, or uses it for less than an hour or two a week. Otherwise they are probably too far gone to save. Especially for women, social media reminds me of the Blight in A Fire Upon the Deep – a near-omniscient alien intelligence that effortlessly enslaves entire worlds and civilizations. It has been incredibly sad to see this occur.
(And yes, I recognize that Reddit is a form of social media — but it does not appear to be nearly as toxic and cognitively hazardous as those such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and the like.)
I realized I was getting way too tired when I was talking to someone in Turkey and was trying to remember if they used metric months there or not.
Brain failure mode activated.
Daryl Dixon on The Walking Dead is the only person in any popular fictional work that I can think of who is very high on both openness and on disagreeableness. Are there any others?
Maybe Betty Gilpin as Simone in Mrs. Davis?
Nope. Nearly all viruses and bacteria that infect humans have non-human reservoirs, with only a few exceptions. In addition, some viruses are resident in human DNA and can re-emerge from your genome itself with no outside vector and no infection present.
Viruses are with us forever, likely1. Harmful bacteria might be more capable of being eliminated fully.
Crane Wife
Those who say that NATO caused Ukraine to get what they deserve sound just like those people who claim that a woman brought rape on herself because she wore a short skirt.
Do you know how incredibly vile you all sound? Terrible humans.
Obscene Prices, Declining Quality: Luxury Is in a Death Spiral.
50 years of The Oregon Trail: The hidden controversies of a video game that defined the US.
How false claims that the Madison school shooter was transgender spread online. People are wicked dumb.
Low-income Americans are struggling. It could get worse.
Packed Cubicles, Empty Corner Office: Remote Work Is Increasingly a Right of the Rich. The plutes want their slaves in their “proper” place.
Spot Cover
That’s pretty impressive. Cool to see them re-build the song. I think it’d be better if it were a little more shoegaze. That outro is fire, though; wish it were a lot longer.