
Indian CEO took over a firm, booted out founders, hired Indians.

This is incredibly common and incredibly racist. In the liberal world, you’re not allowed to say anything about this. But the truth is a lot of Indian people will only hire from their own country and even worse, their own caste.

It’s one of the many reasons I do not support the current H1B program and think it should be dissolved.

Hear Me In

Went to the pub for the first time since the ear fixing and ended up shoving toilet roll in my ears because holy shit things are ~loud~ now

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— ( December 24, 2024 at 4:13 PM

One of the most peaceful and pleasant times of my life is when I caught a bad case of the flu (no, not Covid; this was in 2016) and it clogged my ears so completely that for weeks I could barely hear anything. I slept incredibly well, for me. Human noises were nearly-completely removed from my experience and it was amazing.

I wouldn’t want to be deaf permanently, but it was an extremely refreshing holiday from din and distraction. It was great.

Always Judge a Book by its Cover.

IPTV Piracy Blocking at the Internetโ€™s Core Routers Undergoes Testing.

China unveils new futuristic fighter jets in surprise flyby.

Democrats have a Florida problem. Democrats got obliterated in Florida in 2024, from the top of the ticket all the way down to the Legislature and local races.

Social media fueling young men’s body dysmorphic disorder. Such a terrible cognitohazard.

A 9th telecoms firm has been hit by a massive Chinese espionage campaign, the White House says.

Wir wissen, wo dein Auto steht. VW hat mit einer neuen Blamage zu kรคmpfen. Bewegungsdaten von 800.000 E-Autos sowie Kontaktinformationen zu den Besitzern standen ungeschรผtzt im Netz. Sichtbar war, wer wann zu Hause parkt, beim BND oder vor dem Bordell.

U.S. Armyโ€™s First Combat Use Of THAAD Missile Defense System Just Occurred In Israel.

Russian-Linked Oil Tanker Suspected Of Sabotage Was Brimming With Spy Equipment: Report.

Less โ€˜European familyโ€™, more howitzers: Ukraine needs hardware, not cosy words. A lot of these people with their “cosy words” are going to be under the bootheel of Russia soon enough.