Jul 19


Hey sister, I had a girl tell me the same thing. But when I asked her what hobbies she had, her answer was, “None, really.” Figure that out.

Jul 18

Pole Position

Yep. Poland, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia know without NATO and the US they would be totally and completely fucked.

Also, Ian Welsh sucks. Did I mention that?

Jul 18

Kam Down

Kamala Harris will never be president of the United States. Well, unless, you know…Biden is pretty old. But she’ll never be elected.

Jul 18


Russia’s vast stocks of Soviet-era weaponry are running out. It may have to scale back its offensive in Ukraine.

But Russia is WINNNNNNNNNNNNNING! Ian Welsh said so!

Fuck, man, I prefer the real truth. If Russia actually were winning I’d be the first to say it here. But unlike most, and all of the Putin pud-pullers, I want to know as best I can what’s really happening. I want Ukraine to prevail, yes, but I also want to understand what’s occurring so I can plan for that true, actual future.

I have no interest in going down this stupid Ian Welsh path: The US is bad, therefore Russia is winning! That ain’t no kind of thinking.

Right now, Russia has a slight advantage because they are sending meat waves with old equipment in probing attacks and are losing up to 3,000 people per kilometer they gain. Russia is vast with a large population, but not that wealthy, and will only be able to sustain such a thing for a limited time.

And that’s what’s really happening.

Jul 18

Power Full

I sit in this for about an hour every day, to go into an office where I don’t interact with a single person.

This is most RTO. It has absolutely nothing to do with being more efficient or productive. It’s about five things:

1) Demonstration of power

2) MBA idiocy (see above)

3) Commercial Real Estate

4) Extrovert social bailout

5) Taking up more time of employee lives so they have less free time to explore other options

That’s all it is.

Jul 18


What is something women would dismiss everytime but is true?

That their standards (at least in the US) have gone insane (mostly due to social media) while men’s have remained about the same. Thus, many more women are unhappy than men. Or at least in a different, preventable way.

If you bring this up with many women, though, you’re likely to be called an “incel.” But it’s just a damn fact that when 90% of women are competing for 2% of men, a lot of y’all are gonna end up dissatisfied. So do like you tell men to do: suck it up and fucking deal with it.

Jul 18


Attractive women are so coddled in our society that it’s amazing any of them turn out to be decent humans at all. But many do. That says something about the human spirit. But I’m not sure what.

Jul 18


A lot of modern feminism wants women to simultaneously be treated as tiny little children and as flawless all-powerful goddesses. And those two things ain’t even remotely fucking compatible.

You can’t have your Barney the Dinosaur birthday cake and eat it too.