Jul 27

Apophenic Nostalgia

I was thinking about Florrie’s song “Too Young To Remember” today and that a lot of people have nostalgia for a past that (as the song says) they cannot actually remember.

The idea for the song was hers and she co-wrote it, so it’s not some other person putting words in her mouth. She was born in 1988, but as she does, I do think a lot of people recognize that the late 1980s and early 1990s was a time of increasing optimism and possibility. They look back on that era fondly even if they don’t actually recall it. Unfortunately, this tendency can also malfunction spectacularly — the Boomers have nostalgia for an ersatz version of the 1950s that most of them don’t actually remember. And that misplaced yearning for a bygone era has completely fucked American politics and younger people for two damn decades now.

But what Florrie has done is pure harmless fun.

As a side note, she plays percussion on that track. Because she’s an excellent drummer it sounds a lot better than the tracks of hers where they use electronic drums (jeez, why do that when you have an amazing drummer just RIGHT THERE? I mean she’s RIGHT THERE. Give the lady her drums!).

Jul 26


Oh for damn sure. The average man experiences 0 women who are really crazy about him. Probably 30-40% of men never experience that even once. The top 10% experience that one or two times.

The average woman experiences it much, much more frequently. Sure, not with the top 1% guy she actually wants — but the point is, that most men are never really desired and we’re all very aware of that and how disposable and replaceable we are.

Jul 26


All the Europeans on Reddit are deeply confused about how very dystopian the United States is:

Y’all, we got Mad Max shit going on over here 24/7.

Jul 26


Company just laid off an entire floor under the guise of changes to the floor plan.

This is more underhanded and MBA-ish than most layoffs, but companies do shit like this and people still believe a corporation can feel love for you. I just will never understand it.

I see posts all the time on Reddit and other places like, “I did everything right and the company still laid me off. I was a top performer!” No one — including the MBAs who laid you off — gives a single crap about what you did right and how you perform. Layoffs have fucking nothing to do with that at all.

You’ll be laid off if a number on a spreadsheet looks better or if an exec somewhere thinks they will make a larger bonus in the next quarter or so. That’s it. That’s all. There are no other criteria. That you love the company you work for and your job just has no bearing at all. No one looks at that or cares about it. You’re a number in Excel, if that, when it comes time to decide who goes and who stays.

Sometimes, Gen Z is as bad as the fucking Boomers, thinking a company loves them and loving it back.

My philosophy about corporations is this and this alone: Fuck you, pay me.

Jul 26

Tone Note

I tried to watch that movie The Tomorrow War. What the fuck. I’ve never experienced a movie having 37 different tones in 15 seconds of a scene, but that one did. Frequently. Alas, even Betty Gilpin could not save this film. As much as I adore everything about her, could not finish it.

Since her role was “the steadfast wife” I probably saw just about all the scenes with her in them, anyway.

What that movie wanted to be, or was trying to be, who freakin’ knows. The director and editor did not and I certainly do not.