Relational Quantum Mechanics.

Ugh, this Rovellian nonsense. RQM is almost as bad as superdeterminism.

RQM cannot be correct because the superpositional state of quantum systems is an observable fact that has real-world testable and tested consequences. Simple as that.

RQM is not saying much. And what it is mostly saying is covered by already-existing QM theories. And as to the rest, what it’s claiming is purely wrong. To put it bluntly and to reiterate the above, RQM is an either obvious or wrong. The parts that are obvious already exist elsewhere. And that parts that are wrong are all Rovelli’s.

It’s a theory that has no purpose and is directly contradicted by the way the universe actually works.


When I get annoyed by happenings at work or am stuck in traffic, I think of the videos I’ve watched of soldiers being relentlessly hunted down by drones on the battlefield in Ukraine. Then I realize how fucking awesome and amazing my life in fact is.

That terrible war has some of the worst things I’ve ever seen in my life. No, it hasn’t traumatized or scarred me. That does not happen to me easily. A rural North Florida misfit upbringing will do that for you.

But it does makes me thankful for what I have, and that I’m not dying in some Ukrainian farmer’s field because I wanted to steal washing machines and rape Ukrainian women.

One Street

I killed my sister and ruined my life.

This is a horrible story and all the people saying he is negligent: I am not so sure.

One time driving in Jacksonville, Florida, I realized I was heading the wrong way on a one-way street. After about a half mile as traffic was screaming towards me head-on. There were no signs. There were cars parked in both directions. The road markings were non-existent or unclear.

After I managed to get off the one-way without dying or killing my passengers, I drove back around to where I’d entered that street to see what I had missed. And there was nothing. I’d missed nothing. There were no signs indicating it was a one-way street. Perhaps they had been taken down for construction or something, but whatever the case, they were simply not there.

This was long before Google Maps, by the way, and if things had been slightly different that day I might’ve died.

Streets like that need a lot of goddamn signs and don’t always have them.

US spy planes hunt for intel on Mexican drug cartels as surveillance flights surge near border.

Trump Already Has Blood on His Hands. The president is taking a chainsaw to our public health infrastructureโ€”and people will die as a result.

Let’s Get Real.

Shutting Down CFPB Is Not Like Shutting Down USAID.

โ€˜Be Cruelโ€™: Inside Russiaโ€™s Torture System for Ukrainian POWs.

A young computer scientist and two colleagues show that searches within data structures called hash tables can be much faster than previously deemed possible.

Surnames from nicknames nobody has any more.

Apple software update “bug” enables Apple Intelligence.

Be New

My field is a weird one. Weird bad, that is.

I’ve seen accountants get hired after not being in the active workforce for 10+ years. And yet I wouldn’t hire an IT person who’d been out of the workforce for 3 years. And in some areas, merely 2. That’s how fast it all changes.

If you’re out of the game for 3 years or more, you’re basically a newbie again.

No other field is like that.


And this is why I thought then and continue to think that Matt Yglesias is a fucking idiot.

Obama made the choice that millions of Americans would lose their homes. And yes, that was a choice — it all could’ve been prevented. That was done to save the banks and specifically the banksters who wrote all that fraudulent paper. This decision ruined many Americans economically for the rest of their lives as well as making the Great Recession worse and last much longer than it otherwise would have.

Obama also oversaw the largest loss of black wealth in history. He was and is just an evil, venal person.

As president, he had one of the greatest opportunities for real reform since the 1930s. And instead he forked over the country and its wealth the rich all so he could be a billionaire later himself. No Obama, no Trump it’s also important to remember.


When my brother was very young, he referred to himself in the third person. One time he needed to see if he’d broken bone, the nurse asked “Would you like Mommy or Daddy to go with you?”; he replied “Matthew will go alone. X is for X-Ray!”, opened the door, and walked into the door frame.

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โ€” Mike Wiser (@drmikewiser.bsky.social) April 10, 2024 at 8:57 PM

My story is also door-related.

A friend of mine that I’ve wrote about on another iteration of this blog had a horrible early life, but she still ended up being a free-spirited person who tried to enjoy the time she had. At least when I knew her, anyway.

One time we went to Gainesville, Florida, and had to enter a building with a revolving door. This was back in ’93. She didn’t travel much and I’m guessing that’s the first time she’d ever used one of those. It did not go well, to say the least. She got trapped inside for at least two cycles around and on one rotation she screamed, laughing, “It’s over for me! Just go on without me! Save yourself!”

Of course everyone was looking at us, some confused, some amused. Neither she nor I cared.

She eventually made it out and we found the indie record store we were looking for. As we left, though, we used the side door.


It’s funny and telling how many people (the vast majority) who believe the “market efficiency” hypothesis have never held a corporate job.

Get one and you’ll become disabused of that notion right quick.

Retail or Helldesk

I wonder which career leads to hating the general public the most quickly?

If I had to guess I’d say retail, followed either by helpdesk or food service. I know that working helpdesk and helpdesk-related roles early in my career caused me to become much more of a misanthrope. How could it not? In that role, you encounter the stupidest people who are proud of being clueless dumbasses all day every day. And they are also often aggressively rude about it.

Were I to go back in time, I would do more to avoid the helldesk as that really is just a sociality killer. I think I’d probably have more friends if I had never did that sort of work as I was quite social comparatively when I came out of the army. After working helldesk for a few years, though, I wanted nearly nothing to do with anyone.

Rage Quit

I’ve got some more necessary pushback against the No one should know anything at all about how to do their jobs if it happens to involve a computer in some way mindset.

I’m not arguing that computers aren’t complex. Here I’m just standing against the idea that it should be permissible for someone not to know the name of the application they’ve used for 10+ years and that sort of nonsense.

In reality, someone not being able to recall or have any clue how to use their most commonly-touched tool is more akin to a grounds maintenance crewmember not knowing what a mower is or how to start it up. Look, clowns, we’re not asking people to program an OS from scratch or change BIOS settings. We’re just asking them as a driver to know what a goddamn steering wheel is (to switch to another metaphor).

Though I grew up using computers, I learned the essential control interfaces in a couple of days. They are not hard. I learned what the common applications were I use in a few seconds. And I did that when I was four years old. So if a four-year-old can do it so can you.

None of this is actually difficult. That we pretend like it is to coddle doofuses is just wrong IMO.


The best blueprint for the future is to do nearly everything the degrowthers say we should not do.

We need:

  • Massive increase in electricity production — we really need to attempt to make it too cheap to meter
  • Building all kindsa shit in space
  • Massively increasing our industrial capacity even if it is not “profitable”
  • Geongineering, despite the risks

Etc. We simply must become the gods now we only pretend to be.

We have no choice. It’s that or oblivion.


Conservatives are indeed the worst about this, but it’s a very American thing to willingly hurt yourself as long as it harms someone else just as badly. I will never understand this way of thinking, but it is in fact an integral part of the American ethos.