Jun 15


The “whiny Fox News aggrieved white man NIMBY voice” is really annoying, but then again so is the liberal “I’m smarter than you and listen to this 30 minute lecture” NPR voice. Both make my skin crawl.

Jun 15


Every time I think about it, it strikes me as more than a bit odd how the Fat Acceptance’s idea of an “unobtainable body” is just the body that 90% of people had 35 years ago.

What are they playing at? (Oh, right, propping up food company profits, I forgot.)

Jun 15


Sounds like someone has never had good bread that complements the burger rather than detracting from it. 99% of bread is bad, especially in the US and the UK. When you find good bread, though, it makes all the difference.

Jun 15


I have had no problems, and I work out very hard. I’ve done more than maintain, too. I’ve made myself far more muscular and am several times stronger than I was four years ago.

Jun 15


This is true in many ways, because the corollary is that many Gen Z and Millenials are more prudish than many people were in the 1940s.

It seems outlandish, but alas it is true. Gen Z in particular seems to have a squeamishness about anything physical. It’s like (or perhaps is) a mental illness, or a severe cultural derangement.

Jun 14

Not a FAn

Exactly right. Terribly right. Alas.

Jun 14


I (30M) have gotten more attractive recently and I hate that people treat me better.

Brother, I am right there with you. I like it and I hate it, though. It shouldn’t matter so much.

Just yesterday, I was in a very charming mood and mode, and the ticket counter woman at the airport was literally blushing (in a good way, I was not embarrassing her) while talking with her. I know she liked me by the way she looked at me the very moment I stepped up to the counter. I was barely saying anything substantive but was making direct eye contact, saying some lightly funny things, etc., and she was giggling like a schoolgirl and blushing. And she was extremely solicitous and helped me out for way longer than she needed to (no, again, this was not the usual “customer service training.” She absolutely did not treat the men ahead of me that way).

This 100% had no chance of happening four years ago. Then, she wouldn’t have looked at me twice. It’s shocking how much better I get treated now.

Jun 14


I did a little translation on the plane yesterday. I don’t know Spanish well, but I understand most of it and can speak a little when I have to. There was a mother and daughter — Peruvian (I think, judging by accent) — sitting across the aisle from me. They had changed seats or were in the wrong seats or something, and that annoyed the flight attendant for some reason.

He first asked the mother, “What is your last name?” She didn’t understand. Then he tried the daughter, repeating it several times, his voice rising in volume each time as if that was going to help. “What is your last name?”

I dredged my brain and came up with, “¿Cuál es su apellido?” Instead of thanking me, the flight attendant looked annoyed at me too. I think he was enjoying hassling them. Some people are just like that. But the daughter said her last name and the flight attendant went on his way finally.

Jun 13

Like This

Agreed. I am not one of those “AI is the gravest threat ever and is going to kill us all next week” losers, but people were insistent for a long time that heavier-than-air flight was impossible. And they were right for a long time. Then one day, they weren’t. AI is probably a lot like this.