Jun 05


Textbooks and related materials I’ve used recently on virology. I read all these several years ago (maybe 8?) but with the pandemic, I partially or in some cases wholly read them again:

Fields Virology (6th Edition). It’s dense but good. Standout bit is a thorough overview of how viruses are assembled.

Fundamentals of Molecular Virology (2nd Edition). Does what it says on the tin. A bit repetitive.

How Pathogenic Viruses Think: Making Sense of Virology by Lauren Sompayrac. A great semi-beginner’s overview if you know little about this area. I breezed through it in a few hours since I’d already read it a nearly a decade ago.

Principles and Practice of Clinical Virology (5th Edition). Aimed more at treatment in clinical settings. Don’t read this one until you’ve gone through the others as it requires a whole lot of basal understanding.

To read any of these and make sense of them, you’ll also need a pretty firm grounding in molecular biology, genetics, and general bio.

Jun 05


This is all bullshit.

This person is lying to you. Directly fucking lying to you. The coronaviruses at the WIV were handled at BSL-2 and BSL-3, not BSL-4.

The NSC investigators found ready evidence that China’s labs were not as safe as advertised. Shi Zhengli herself had publicly acknowledged that, until the pandemic, all of her team’s coronavirus research—some involving live SARS-like viruses—had been conducted in less secure BSL-3 and even BSL-2 laboratories.

This is not exactly a secret. Yet this person — who certainly knows better — is seeding these deliberate untruths to obfuscate the possibility of a lab leak. SARS-Cov-2 didn’t escape from a BSL-4 environment because it wasn’t being worked on in a BSL-4 environment.

Again, I stress that this mook must know that.

We have experts who know nothing, and even when they do have some clue they deliberately deceive any mark who is naïve enough to fall for their mendacity.

So I just sent this email to him:


I saw your Twitter thread today about the lab leak hypothesis. In it, you asserted that any lab leak theory would have to account for a BSL-4 escape. However, the coronavirus research at the WIV was being conducted at BSL-3 and (sometimes) BSL-2 as acknowledged by Shi Zengli herself.

Surely you must have been aware of that to have such strong opinions on the matter? I don’t understand why anyone should have to account for a BSL-4 escape when the work was being conducted at BSL-3 and BSL-2. Perhaps you can explain.



I expect to get no response but I am getting so tired of these people. They lie, their sycophants who can barely read attack, and nothing useful ever gets done.

Jun 05

Garrote Smote

I’d realized this without even reading anything about this or knowing who any of these people are. It’s been clear to me for a while that in many countries the more nutty environmental folks were up to something like this and using Covid as a pretext to make this de facto the case.

They don’t want us traveling and they want to strangle tons of businesses if they can. They really do want us in the pods, eating bugs, not traveling, and they don’t care who it harms or how insane that is.

Jun 05


Does anyone else not see it as absolutely fucking insane that people want to — and think we should — keep places locked down for years and borders closed for years as well?

I know I’ve said it a million times, but it’s really mystifying and shocking how quickly libs went from “open borders, yay!” to “let’s just close the borders forever, cool.” I don’t think I will ever understand it. What a bunch of loser coward crybaby dipshits.

Jun 05


Lockdown lifers are now desperately, desperately looking for any excuse to keep us all hidden away from the world.

Same old shit they said about all the other very scary variants. I know, Believe Science!

It was always expected boosters would be required. The vaccines are still very effective with two doses. Big whoop. Of course they love the idea of the control a Very Scary Variant returns to them.

Jun 05

New Religion

Seeing a religious movement develop out of wearing masks, staying locked down and resisting having any kind of fun has been…weird.

Jun 04


Damn, I don’t think I’ll ever see what pride people derive in being fat, out of shape, and dumpster-looking.

No, these people should not be shamed. But making that into a source of pride is just something I cannot get behind. It’s like fucking Nestlé is speaking through your mouth, and helping you shove some damn Kit Kats into that same ravenous maw. Do people really not care about being propaganda-shouting food conglomerate spokespeople? Do they just not give a crap that they must look like the Marshmallow Man so that Ulf Mark Schneider can make his next billion?

Evidence says that they in fact are not concerned with this at all.