Aug 09


Herr Morse, you have engaged in unauthorized non-algorithmic sex, and now you vill be punished!

I feel like I’m in crazytown, watching the shit the liberals get up to today. They really are turning into the American version of the Saudi Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice.

What a bunch of shitheads, mooks, and weirdos. Fuck liberalism.

Aug 09

First Sentence

Just the smallest of sounds impinged at first — leaves crackling like the bones of small animals underfoot, a gelid winter wind slicing through thin limbs — but with halting steps and bruised hands she felt her way to the stairs, and then to the newt-smooth door.

Aug 08

Lit Out

The real literacy rate in my opinion is about 10-20%.

Aug 08

Weepy and Creird

Huh! Do read the entire thread.

That explains a few things, or at least correlates with the fact that I’ve seen John Green, Joss Whedon and even Suzanne Collins called “creepy” for writing about teenagers. For some reason, I didn’t connect it to identitarian concerns. I thought it was the usual liberal “protection from harm” BS, but I was wrong.

It’s really about the fact that Green, Whedon and Collins aren’t themselves teenagers. It’s just identity wankery all the way down these days.

Are there really adults who think that kids write kids’ shows and media with kids in them? Really? What the ever-lovin’ FUCK?

Aug 08


Trans ideology is mostly senseless, but it’s only marginally more senseless than the ideology it replaces.

Not that that makes it great. It just means there are two Big Stupids battling it out, while normal-ish people cringe on the sidelines.

Aug 08

La Fuck

Yeah. Fuck putting on professional airs all the time. Fuck this, fuck that, fuck all ya’ll.

Send it to my boss, his boss. I do not give a fuck.

Aug 08

Only Hobby

I agree. As with many conservatives, I think the prissiness and prudishness then becomes a devoted hobby for these types.

Aug 08


Why are libs so fucking obsessed with this identity bullshittery? They claim not to be nationalistic but cling to artificially-created utterly illusional neoliberal identities like it’s going to save them.

Ok, then, I’ll go:

1) Galactic Fucking Overlord

2) Galactic Fucking Overlord

3) Galactic Fucking Overlord

Aug 08


Grizzled veteran of the tech support wars: Solve a problem in five minutes the user and their entire IT team has been working on for weeks, then both the user and the IT team get angry at you, because you’ve embarrassed them and accidentally made them look bad in front of their bosses.

That’s my life.