Jul 23


Cracksmoking econs will try to come up with all sorts of wacky bullshit to “prove” that housing is not more expensive than it was forty years ago. Some greatest hits:

1) If you move to Cow Fart, Iowa, houses are very cheap! (Caveat: There are 1,800 people and four jobs in Cow Fart. Total.)

2) If you bought a house in 1960, it would’ve been 900sf and now you buy a house that is 2200sf. See! (Never mind there are almost no new 900sf houses constructed now.)

3) A perennial favorite: If you didn’t eat all that avocado toast, you could afford five houses by now!

4) Young people just don’t want to own houses. They love forking over half their income to a landlord. It’s what they live for.

5) Quality has improved so vastly much that a 2024 house is certainly worth 4x as much in real dollars as a 1970 house, from some figures I just pulled out of my ass!


And that data only goes to 2017; it’s gotten tons worse since then. And that’s the real deal, not some economist’s fairy tale.

Jul 23


Wow. It loses some of the urgency of the original, but also has better musicianship. Great cover.

Jul 22


Girl Lonely: The top 1% guys you’re interested in don’t pay attention to you or want you.

Guy Lonely: No one anywhere of either sex pays attention to you, knows you exist, or cares at all. If they do acknowledge you it’s to be sure to let you know you are worthless and disposable.

Quite the difference there.

Jul 22


There are people who deeply desire to climb into the pod and eat bugs. And even more, to have you do so. Think about that for a minute and you will come to yearn for the cleansing nuclear fire.

Jul 22

Fire Road

Electric vehicles — including Teslas — are about 1/10 as likely to experience fires as compared ICE vehicles. Bet you can never guess why.

Remember that when you hear the propaganda/concern about EVs catching on fire “all the time.” Recognize that you are being manipulated and consider why anyone would have any reason to do that — as you should in all areas.

Jul 21

All the Wrong Places

It’s amazing and sad how many people love corporations, entities that are completely incapable of loving them back. I will never understand it. This is mostly a Boomer affliction, but not only.

I guess since these days people cannot find love in other humans, they look for it elsewhere.