Avoiding early death

It seems legitimately hard for people to lose weight and to keep it off. Glad it was relatively easy for me.

Hunger just doesn’t bother me. Most uncomfortable things I can withstand pretty easily. I know this makes me different from most people.

If I lose weight and my body needs 800 calories a day less than what is “normal,” here’s what I do: I eat 800 calories a day less.

Peer pressure, that I’m hungry, that it’s uncomfortable — all mean nothing to me.

But as noted, I might not be the most stubborn human on earth, but the contest to decide who is actually the holder of that title would never end as none of us would ever give up.

So I accept that losing weight and staying thin afterwards is difficult. But it just wasn’t for me.

(As an example of what I do that other people don’t, there were pastries brought into work today. I know they have a lot of calories, but I wanted one. So I ate it. But then I didn’t eat anything for lunch to compensate. So my net intake for the day will be the same or most likely a little less. This is how you maintain a constant weight.)