
I have reservations about this — and the rah-rah coprorateness of it all — but the basics aren’t wrong. Being a sedentary lump of apathy on the couch, munching Cheetos day in and day out, is not in any way healthy. Obesity and sedentarism exacerbate and in many cases cause innumerable health problems.

So it boils down to the fact that we must ask is this better than nothing? And will it help anyone without harming others more? And I think the answer is yes.

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve become more tolerant of imperfection in search of something good enough for now — unless it’s a blatant scam like the ACA.

You don’t need Crossfit for getting fit, but anything — any damn thing — that gets some people off their couch and prevents them from getting diabetes or other chronic conditions is probably on balance worth it. Personally, I’d recommend a lot more weightlifting and a lot less jumping around like a crazed chicken, but anything that avoids death by couch is a win.