Height Street

I will never understand heterosexual dating culture’s obsession with height. Just get a footstool!

It’s not hetero dating culture, it’s women who are obsessed with height. I don’t understand it either. Of course not all women, but of those obsessed with height, it’s 99% women. It’s some sort of sickness. I don’t think this person is correct to blame the patriarchy, though. That’s just a bizarro copout.

Even if a man towers over you it doesn’t mean he will protect you. Since the moment a guy sprouts overnight in high school and becomes prom king (Zac Efron’s height is 173cm by the way), they know how big this advantage is, and it’s reinforced constantly. This knowledge, and huge leg-up in dating, means a lot of the men being thirsted at have never really had to try.

Yep. The same is true of beautiful women. Many have terrible personalities and no achievements because they’ve never had to actually work hard for anything. Again, not all beautiful women. But far more than average or ugly women! Don’t read me wrong here. I have several very beautiful women friends (including my partner) who are simply lovely, hard-working, empathetic human beings (but that’s because that’s the only type of people I want to be around). But if you’re a gorgeous woman you can coast through life so much more easily. Many do — and end up as shit humans because of it. The same is true of tall men, to a lesser extent.

Anyway, I’ve beaten the absolute hell out of several guys much taller than me who attacked me (and were bullying me). That’s because I actually had to learn how to fight and couldn’t rely on my height alone to intimidate people. So there’s that.