One thing said

Female students banned from speaking at Islam seminar at University of Leicester.

Yes, I realize it is The Daily Fail, but that nevertheless did occur.

Liberals for some reason are afraid to criticize Islam and its practices. But I have no respect at all for any culture or religion that does anything like this. Fuck Islam. Fuck Mohammed and his child-raping ways. Just because the US is wrong (very, very wrong) to go murder brown people doesn’t mean that if follows on logically to it being wrong to criticize a culture that harms millions and millions of women.

What, thought I was a milquetoast liberal? Think again. I’m a militant liberal, geared up for radical equality and I don’t really give a shit who I offend. I don’t care if I make things better or worse in the short term either, as some things are so wrong all you can do is raise your middle finger and spit in the face of those who oppose civilization.