Over that Hill-ary

A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for war.

I don’t particularly like her, but I’ve voted for tons of people I don’t like in the past. But the actual reason I won’t be voting for her is that she is more hawkish than most of the Republicans and will almost certainly drag us into a war or two.

War is not helping America. Just as much as Radical Islam and moronic immigration policies, the Paris attacks can be blamed on Western war-making in the Middle East.

Bernie Sanders is clueless on foreign policy. But he’d still be better as he almost certainly wouldn’t drag us into any unnecessary wars.

In the end, I probably won’t vote at all because there is even now about a 99% chance Hillary Clinton will win.

And that will be a very sad day for everyone because contrary to what I’ve written here before, waging war overseas is the one area that a leader could make a difference. And in the case of Clinton, it’ll be a very terrible deviation indeed.