Ox Input

When you think about it, it’s weird how nearly everyone just bought the Fat Acceptance anti-scientific and anti-reality claims like:

1) That adaptive thermogenesis (so-called “starvation mode”) happens within hours and means you cannot lose weight, even if you consume zero calories.

2) That someone is anorexic if they don’t weigh as much as an adult musk ox.

3) That it’s impossible to lose weight and keep it off, despite all the people who do.

4) That you can be fit and fat.

5) That looking like an unsightly blight upon the landscape shouldn’t matter to anyone, even yourself.

6) That quality of life does not matter.

I realize and understand that there was a significant and well-funded propaganda operation in support of all this by the major food consortiums, etc., but even with their weight (heh) behind the effort, it wouldn’t have taken off if it didn’t flatter the sensibilities of those with fewer brains than a bog lemming. Fat Acceptance isn’t the most consequential issue in the world, but it’s something that harms a lot of people and will harm a lot more in the future. And it’s just so unnecessary.