May 09

Banned Camp

I don’t agree with Cortes on much (mainly follow him for his fitness stuff), but this is 100% true. The left right now thinks they are doing great and grand things by banning some real Nazis and “Nazis.” What they are doing in reality is a grand exercise in self-harm.

This is because in the future, it’ll mostly be the left getting de-platformed and banned. Currently, it’s trans ideology that’s being used as the cudgel to discard people on the left but that’s already expanding. Right now, it is admittedly about 60% conservatives being banned and canned, but I expect that to switch to about 90% left in a year or so with no return to the previous near-parity.

Dangerous road, with more risks than rewards.

May 09

No Lift

I’d be much more likely to want to take up a vegetarian or vegan diet if nearly every single person advocating that didn’t look like a pasty, palsied weakling on the verge of anemia and death.

Not a good advertisement for the cause, really.

May 09

What Kind Of

I can no longer find the article, but some clueless tech bro said that poetry was just “random word association,” like a neural network.

Motherfucker, no. Just no. That’s not even a bad take. It’s a take so monumentally clueless that some being in another solar system is saying, “What a dipshit” under its argon breath.

May 08


Ever since the advent of the PC, (mainly) large companies have wanted to kill it due to how much control it gives the user. Won’t be long before that comes to pass.

The whole thread is worth reading but I figure PCs in their current form have another 3-5 years before they are essentially banned by licensing and piracy/security “concerns.” Right now, PCs are great as the smartphone droolers offer no competition in the job market at all and are getting increasingly further behind due to the incompetence this causes. Not sure what happens after, though.

PCs were always a lucky anomaly, and the most power any human has ever had individually. Couldn’t last. Steve Jobs said the PC is a “bicycle for the mind.” Smartphones and cloud crap are like a four-foot slot car track for the mind, beset with limitations and with no way to expand it.

May 08


It bothers me more than it should when I see people wheezing and exhausted merely from walking from the parking lot into an office or workplace.

This is not normal, no matter what the Fat Acceptance movement claims.

May 07


Mine is that we should be engaging in massive and authoritarian population control measures as the only real hope of avoiding possible mass extinction in 50-150 years.

Sure, I recognize the human rights issues. But it’s either that or we’re goners.

May 07


At least 50% of people’s computer “problems” could be solved if they’d literally just read what is right on the screen.

I will never understand that. Never.