Sep 15

Boomer bomb

If you lean on your age to “win” an argument, chances are you do not have much of an argument in the first place.

And hey, I get called a BernieBro despite the fact that:

1) Did not vote for him ever.

2) Did not think he’d make a very good president (but I liked the majority of his ideas).

3) Believe someone much younger should be president.

But yes, a BernieBro! Except one that only supported Bernie to any extent because all the other alternatives were worse.

Sep 14

Thanks to the mythical BernieBros

All ya’ll realize right that if Bernie Sanders had never run, we wouldn’t be talking about single payer now? That it wouldn’t have a chance, wouldn’t even be in the discussion?

Funny how what Bernie set out to do has some hope while Clinton dead-enders are still prattling on about complete garbage.

Sep 14

Good o’l centrism

In reality, what we now call “centrism” due to the shifting of the Overton Window is actually pretty extreme conservatism.

Sep 14

Cop to it

What’s the most inadvisable thing you’ve ever done?

I have a long list, but perhaps the time I cursed at and threatened a uniformed cop was the most inadvisable.

If I were black, I’d be dead now. If my girlfriend hadn’t been there, watching, I’d probably be dead now.

Shit, that was a bad idea, but the cop was being a bully and I was a young hothead. Bad things tend to happen when you’re a young hothead, but that time I got lucky.

Sep 10

The hard part

If we ever attempt interstellar travel, we’ll probably find it much easier to get somewhere than to slow down once we do.

The hard part isn’t always obvious in advance, but that’d be my guess where people/AI is likely to perish in five or ten thousand years when we give it a go.

Sep 10

Moving the pole ghosts

One of my favorite producers of electronic music likes to use samples from movie dialog in his works. I usually recognize any film used in any bit of music. I’ve seen thousands of movies in many different languages and I have a very good memory, and the internet to fall back on if that fails.

Except some of his samples, I did not recognize at all. I was stumped. Even the internet offered no clues of any kind.

Then I realized that he was creating authentic-sounding “samples” from films that never existed and inserting them into the music. They seem so real that many are even in the mid-30s to mid-50s mid-Atlantic accent common to so many movies of that era.

God, so brilliant and so well-done.

Movies that existed in some alternative universe, divergent from ours, straying into music from our timeline. Great.

Sep 09


Look at this dumbass. Just look at him.

At least the very first commenter takes him to task.

I visited that site to see why I should never visit that site, and I saw exactly what I expected to see.

Pseudo-intellectual fucking poseur. All that expensive education and hasn’t learned a damn thing. Shit.