

The difference between science and the arts is not that they are different sides of the same coin even, or even different parts of the same continuum, but rather, they are manifestations of the same thing. The arts and sciences are avatars of human creativity.

Mae Jemison

Nov 07

All backwards

I just realized today that my side has it all backwards. Liberals think that if they triumph at identity politics (which is not possible), then justice follows.

When in reality, triumph mostly follows economic and legal victories wrought in collective action.

Identity politics is the exact wrong approach to achieving real justice for the people most liberals and social justice types are attempting to help. In many cases, it’s actively harmful. In the majority of cases, it allows them to celebrate victory having actually achieved nothing.

Nov 07

Mad science

The implicit denigration of fundamental research is bizarre considering that’s where nearly all darpa-brain-1013-deof the modern world came form.

This week, Rice University said that Darpa, the Pentagon’s mad science division, has invested $11 million in this autocomplete programming project, dubbed PLINY, after the ancient Roman author of the first encyclopedia.

DARPA created the internet. Was that mad science? To the clueless at the time, I guess so. The thing is all really creative things will seem absolutely harebrained and useless at their inception.

Humans are very limited in their cognitive scope mostly (I’d guess) due to evolutionary history.

Even Wired is very, very conservative in many areas.

If “mad science” gave us the internet, self-driving cars (also kicked off by DARPA) and so many other cool and useful things, I’ll take “mad science” for $2,000, Alex.

Nov 06

Firefox developers

I would personally like to punch every Firefox developer in the face.

No, seriously.

What this means is that Firefox now prevents you from logging into any older device such as routers, switches, RAID systems, load balancers, and so, so many more devices that lack certain newer security measures (don’t feel like explaining it all here).

Most of these devices are not capable of being updated to something new. Either the vendor does not have an update or is out of business.

These sort of devices are not rare. At the last place I worked, there were probably 20-30 of them on the network.

This is not at all unusual.

So it means that these devices – which all have web interfaces (only) – can not be managed by Firefox. At all. With no way to override this idiotic behavior.

What are these annoying fucklet developers even thinking? Are they even thinking?

When you are so convinced you are right, not even the dumbest thing possible can convince you of anything else.

Nov 06


Hell fucking yes.

As for whether humans “need” or “get used to” a Retina resolution, that way of thinking is backwards. The default state for humans is real world resolution (no pixels), or for text, the resolution of ink on paper (600dpi to 2400+ dpi). What we had to “get used to” was the unnaturally chunky, low resolution of displays from the first computers until now. Those Dark Ages are over and now we can enjoy computer displays that have the resolution they always should have. A 96 dpi monitor is not “normal,” it is as archaic as a dot matrix printer.

People arguing that hi-dpi is not needed just boggle my mind. The world is hi-dpi, all the way down to the Planck Length, the “pixels” of the universe. Why would you not want readable text? Why would you not want excellent graphics?

Status quo bias in action, I guess?

Nov 05

Stink bomb

I try to avoid writing about politics on this site because in the US it is mostly irrelevant. Thewritewhatyertold moneyed class will get what they want the hard way (Republicans) or the easy way (Democrats), and there is only difference on the margins between those two.

But this guy, though I disagree with a lot of what he says, is on the right track: Hilary Clinton would be a continuation of the Obama presidency, which was a continuation and in many ways an intensification of the Bush presidency.

Politically Obama and Bush didn’t govern that differently, all the heart-rending cries from dumbass self-deluded liberals aside.

I don’t support Hillary Clinton for president because I don’t support any war-mongering, high-finance-coddling, poverty-inducing colonialist assbag for president, regardless of gender or experience.

By the way, yeah, the Republicans took the Senate. So what. Know how much difference that’s going to make despite all the howling you’ve heard?

Absolutely none. American politics and outcomes – especially on the national level – is largely not influenced by voting, despite what you’ve read.

That’s a lie you’ve been sold.

But don’t believe me. Believe instead the evidence.

Nov 04

Hyped up

It took some doing, but I just installed a hypervisor on top of another

More specifically, I installed ESXi 5.5U2 on top of Microsoft’s HyperV in Server 2012 R2.

So now I can test and run features of ESXi without having separate hardware, as well as of course HyperV itself.

Going to need a server with more memory and a better processor real soon now.

It wasn’t easy, but now it’s running like a cheetah.

If you don’t have any clue what I am talking about like most things on this blog, it’s not really important.

Nov 04


I’ve always seen David Foster Wallace accused of being sexist and misogynistic. Yet I’ve never PS_0241_CENTER_KIDSseen any evidence of this in his works or anywhere else.

Yep, he has characters who are sexist, but check this out: we live in a world that is sexist and misogynistic, so having characters who putatively live in that world and who never, ever exhibit those characteristics would be rather inauthentic, wouldn’t it?

A lot of people it seems have trouble discerning fiction from reality.

Here’s is DFW’s reading list from his former course.

Notice anything?

Yeah, six of the nine authors are women.

Outside of a specific course in the women’s studies department, that is highly unusual. I’d bet in 99 out of 100 English departments you walk into, 90% of the assigned authors would be male.

The specific accusations that DFW is a misogynist seem to spring from envy than anything else, and misreading of his works by those who should know better.

But when you have an ideology to push, “knowing better” is no obstacle.

Nov 04


I was on the phone with a recruiter today about a contractor position that I might be interested in.

He was looking at my resume and said something like, “It’s unusual for someone to have this level and number of certifications in such disparate fields.”

And my reply was basically, “Welcome to awesome!”

I didn’t say that phrase exactly, but that was pretty much the gist of it.