Apr 24

We Are It


Then you realize that it was all all fake, including old Ludwig. Then you transcend. We are the meaning we seek in the world.

Apr 23


One of the big branding problems with polyamory is that no one with a lick of sense would join anything called a “polycule.” It’s like if they renamed monogamous relationships to “turdwaffle.” Now who would want to be in a “turdwaffle?” NO ONE of course.

“Polycule” sounds like something you’d travel to a hospital to get treated for, not anything desirable.

Apr 23


Ask A Music Critic: Who Is The Most Underrated Band Of All Time?

I nominate Throwing Muses.

Almost no one has heard of them outside of the music industry, but the Muses had a huge influence on a number of bands and artists, including Kurt Cobain and the Pixies. Additionally, they have a varied catalog of good to great songs that sound timeless to this day and which presaged a lot of later musical trends.

Great band that hardly anyone listens to anymore.

Apr 23

Mind Not Rex

This is a prime example of how people can’t think and can’t simply read:

This story is about the T. rex walking speed, not their running speed. It doesn’t have any implications for if they were scavengers or not. (And, like many animals, including humans, T. rexes were probably opportunistic scavengers but also hunters.)

If you actually read the damn article, it says this:

The tail may also affect Tyranosaurs’ maximum running speed. Previous studies have put T. rex’s top speed at around 27.7 kilometers (17 miles) per hour. This was estimated by the likely maximum stresses that their limbs would experience when running. The new model suggests the tail might help reduce this stress. So you could probably outwalk a T. rex, but perhaps only the fastest humans might outrun one.

It literally says in the fucking article that they could run at 17+ mph. It’s just right there. Not many people can run that fast, and the larger dinosaurs they hunted certainly could not. And juvenile T. rexes would’ve been even faster than that, probably around 30mph top speed.

My guess is that even adult T. rexes were faster than 17mph, probably 20-25mph in short bursts. I think this for a variety of reasons, but the main one is that I remember reading a biomechanical simulation of the speed a rhinoceros could run, and it was 12mph.

In reality, in the actual world outside of a simulation, they can run at 34mph (faster than any human).

Back to my main point, though. I don’t really give a crap about T. rexes in particular but the lack of reading ability and any sort of critical thinking ability at all shows why we are doomed during this pandemic, will probably do nothing about climate change, and will be extinct soon enough.

Apr 22

Not Alimentary

And the thing is, most of those “food” items taste like absolute chalky garbage ape turds. And people still like them! Even people who can afford better. Just conditioning, I guess.

One time my partner and I were in the supermarket and a woman came up and inquired if we knew where the Pop Tarts were. I wanted to ask, “Why in the world are you looking for Pop Tarts?” But I said I didn’t know, because why would I know that. I don’t eat non-food and Pop Tarts are the most non-food item known to humankind.

I guess I am a food snob, but I didn’t like fare like that even when I was a poor North Florida hellraiser, and wouldn’t choke down a Pop Tart unless there were absolutely no other options.

Apr 22

The Cost

What I learned from the pandemic is people are much dumber and far less capable of handling complex information than I thought. And I didn’t have a high opinion in that regard before!

Was reading some terrible paper earlier where it was clear the person understood nothing at all about how aerosolization works, how fabric works, why masks are worn, how viruses are (generally) transmitted, nor the studies they were citing and their limitations. It was a total shitshow of the worst kind.

But it seems plausible. Kind of. If you don’t read any of the source studies, don’t understand the science, and have no idea how anything works. Which, I’ve discovered, is most people.