May 12

Omnes Terminos

Maybe the Pandemic Will Never End.

I’m pessimistic, but this is just pure dumbassery. All pandemics end. Either they burn through the population, are suppressed, alter genetically (1918 flu became much less deadly H1N1) or in the modern age, have a vaccine created.

This pandemic will end in 1-2 years no matter what we do. That’s just reality. The economic destruction, however, will likely last a generation.

May 12

My Projection Too

How Covid Will Play Out In America.

This is, roughly, what I expect as well. The second wave will be larger than the first and crest about December-January. Nothing else seems likely or possible, given how we’ve flubbed it all and show no sings of correcting anything. And the second wave will be worse numerically and economically than the first, hitting as it will in fall and winter.

This is about what I expected all along. I’ve never been so disappointed to not be disappointed.

If you can, buy some extra food. At some point in this time frame it’ll start becoming hard to get.

May 11

No Employ

Barry, why go easy on that dingus? Employment will probably not even be below 16% in November, much less 6%. How could anyone think something so absurd?

May 11

Universal Zoom

If the coronavirus collapses the house of cards that is university education, that would not be a bad thing. It’s not a good value for most even at $5,000 a year — but at $70K per year it’s robbery.

May 11


Fact about me: I have played several hundred chess games in my life, and never won a single one. Not even once.

The funniest loss was to a seven-year-old in a Cracker Barrel when I was sixteen or seventeen. I mean, I knew I’d lose but everyone else watching was shocked. I was in the chess club in high school in my successful attempt to be more social. By the way, I try to win all the matches. I’ve never deliberately lost. Just no talent.

Chess is like math for me. Have no idea what’s going on, nor why. Nor any hope of figuring it out. But I still had fun in the club.

May 11

Golding Silvering

My friend, they are indeed that stupid. Most cannot do a three-key keyboard shortcut with weeks of training.

So of course they do not understand literature, commentary, satire, authorship, abstraction, layers of meaning, ideas and their ecosystems, complex dynamic systems or even the existence thereof, or that the world can be any different than it is.

So no, most hardly understand anything at all.

May 11

Beating C

America is incapable of doing anything even remotely close to this, for an entire variety of reasons, practical and ideological — all self-inflicted.

We are so fucked, both from Covid-19 and climate change to come.

May 10

Timing Problem

“You can’t time the market.”

Tell that to all the money I’ve made in the past couple of months. You can’t time the market. I can. I did.

May 10

Timed Phenom

And it doesn’t get any better. There are loads of people who can solve the equations for physical phenomena but have no real understanding of how any of it actually works. A former close friend of mine was this way. He could solve very complex equations about all sorts of things but had no ability at all to reason about any of it outside this framework. He looked like a genius inside this arena, but outside of it he was pretty much a dunce.

This is typical, I’ve found.

May 10

Real Resist

I think this is, largely, correct. The elites on both sides want this. The progressives desire a future like this because they are moving to ecofascism (live in the pod, eat bugs, don’t travel or go outside). The conservatives desire it as just a natural part of their ideology.

Who and what will resist?