Pert Plus

Experts are great if you need expertise in the very very VERY specific 0.000001% of human knowledge they have any idea about.

But if you don’t require that, experts are worse than useless and most likely attempting to rob you. Because of course the problem with experts is that they know a great deal about very little, but believe that they have an abundance of knowledge about much more because of their mastery of one infinitesimally tiny area of human experience.

Almost no one (expert or not) is even passable at systems-level thinking, and experts almost to a one are worse than anyone else, even non-experts. STEM training and the like causes you to be far inferior as a systems-level thinker, as it’s designed to do this (among other things), while it convinces you that your mastery of one area leads to intuitive comprehension of all others.

So if you have glioblastoma and you need an expert on this, depend and rely on the expert on glioblastoma-specific information only. But I wouldn’t even depend on them for advice or any true knowledge on migraines, much less any other topic.

Lately, I am obsessed with systems thinking because I believe that is a hugely unappreciated and understudied area, and one where I can use my innate skills to really upgrade my own understanding.