
I see so much stupid specious word detritus like this.

Trump ran a far better campaign than Clinton. He spent half the money and got better results. But want specifics? Ok. Here you go.

1) Media manipulation/leveraging. Trump’s campaign was a master at this. Clinton was by contrast (as usual) tone-deaf, condescendingly exhortative and polished (which doesn’t get any attention). Those damn deplorables….

2) Social media. Not much to say about this. Trump’s campaign made better use of this medium and reached far more people whose votes were actually contestable.

3) Messaging. This is a really big one. Should’ve listed it first, but who cares when you’re responding to people who care not a whit about reality and are kind of dumb to boot. Anyway, Trump’s messaging about the working class, about the negative effects of NAFTA, China trade, etc., were spot on. Clinton’s mush-mouthed flip-flopping (TPP) were the exact opposite. (Note this is separate from the likelihood of Trump now keeping any promises. I think he will not.)

4) Trump concentrated campaign funds very intelligently on areas and rallies where they were likely to make a difference (Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, etc.). Clinton did not. Simple as that.

5) Trump’s other outreach efforts were also more effective, while Clinton’s were often extremely counterproductive.

That’s five. There are more. But this narrative that Clinton! Was the most qualified! Candidate! In the history of the universe EVER! Just has to die.

This is America, for better or worse. Our ethos is the proof that you deserve to win is that you won.

Who is president? Right. Not Clinton. The superiority of Trump’s campaign effort could glibly be described in just those few sentences.

See also this typical garbage by Lance Mannion.

The Democrats are spreading this ridiculous narrative wide and far, when really all they are conveying is how badly they want to lose in 2018 and 2020.