
I read this profile of Gal Gadot mainly because I missed Israel, though I think she is an interesting person in her own right. Americans have trouble adjusting to Israel due to the reasons below. I’m not a touchy-feely person, but it didn’t bother me when I was there. I rather liked it. When in Rome…or Tel Aviv.

Gal Gadot is very hands-on. As in: When you meet her, she will put her hands on you many times, in many different places. Israeli culture is so touch-oriented that guides for Americans traveling there warn they may feel their personal space is constantly being violated in formal settings.

Israeli culture reminds me of what American culture used to be like during the 1970s and early 1980s, except x10. Contemporary Americans would be claiming harassment and assault 5 minutes after being in country there.

Here’s how different Israeli culture is: Within five minutes of showing up, and realizing we had no place to stay, a soldier friend and I walked up to a ticket counter to ask the woman there if there were any nearby hotels. She was a complete stranger to us and vice versa.

Us, approximate dialog:
Hi, we’ve just arrived and we need a hotel. Have any recommendations?

Ticket Counter Woman: It will be hard to get a hotel today. It’s very busy. (She looks us over for a moment.) You can stay with me, though, it is no problem.

Uh, what? Stay with you?

Yes, with me. I have big apartment. It is no problem. Just pay for food. I will even make you dinner.


However, my soldier friend, being a fullbore damn idiot, turned her down. I have no idea why. I simply could not convince him to stay with this attractive, apparently interesting and very friendly Israeli woman who offered us free room and homemade board. She looked very disappointed, too, which made it all the worse.

I couldn’t abandon him so I was forced to decline, too.

I know I am supposed to hate Israel, but I just can’t. Gadot’s personality and outlook remind me of why.