Why I Hate Fat Acceptance

This is just not remotely true at all, in any way. This is why I fucking despise the Fat Acceptance movement by the way. They promote and promulgate this and it harms everyone — including them. And even worse, it permanently debilitates their own (and other) children.

Sure, those experiences don’t make it better for fat people, but obesity is an actual, real problem. It greatly increases mortality risk for Covid, too, of course. Straight from the CDC:

It’d be nice if obesity were just a valueless, neutral life choice. But unfortunately, that is not reality and not how the world works. Obesity comes with real hazards that have nothing at all to do with discrimination and bias, that cannot be ameliorated by anything other than losing weight.

Claiming anything else is being just as reality-denying as anti-vaxxers and those who disbelieve climate change is real.