Feb 23

Rage Against

Indeed. It’s already starting, but there’s going to be so much more. Of those who live, the rage will be epic and destructive and transformative.

It might be our only hope.

Feb 23

The Choices

In my my life I’ve been slim and weak, slim and strong, fat and weak and then slim and strong again.

And I can tell you, it’s no contest: slim and strong is way better.

Feb 23

Place to Stand

A New Americanism. Why a Nation Needs a National Story.

If you haven’t noticed, I’ve increasingly parted ways from the left and from feminism — not because I’ve abandoned those principles or those ideals but because they have abandoned me.

There’s only so much denial of science, of history, and embrace of conspiracy-mongering and wishful thinking that one can take before saying, “No more of this.” These same reasons are why I moved away from the Right many years ago (in my teens), so I am definitely not moving rightward again by any means as they have not improved.

It’s merely that the left has gotten worse, and is worsening at a quickening pace.

The problem is that I believe that the world has changed enough that no one has any cohesive program of thought to comprehend and contextualize the enormous alterations we’ve already experienced and the yet-larger ones to come. I don’t have it, and I think about it all the time, nearly every waking hour. Pundits certainly have nothing. The left has less than nothing.

We need new minds, new voices (in the Jaynesian sense), new conceptions, a derivation of an autochthonous quintessence and an unconditional revision of the certain. Despite that nearly no one cares what I think, I am working on this. As you all know, I’d rather be right than applauded.

Here’s to our new minds. I’m trying to build one. It’s no easy task.

Feb 22


Letting men compete as women simply if they change their name and take hormones is unfair — no matter how those athletes may throw their weight around.

Yep. No interest in watching women’s tennis (my favorite sport to watch) if men can dress up as women to compete in it. (Men have greater upper body strength, so on that advantage alone men-dressed-as-women would win 80-90% of the matches.)

Don’t give a crap who that makes angry. Having men compete in women’s sports means that women will be driven out of those sports. This is feminism? Come on.

I found this on Clarissa’s Blog where she writes sensibly about it.

Feb 22


Has Amanda Marcotte said anything true in the last 10 years? I don’t know what the hell happened to her, but whatever it was it was bad. Brain parasite, something.

Feb 22

Height of Hypocrisy

I know this makes feminists enraged beyond belief, but it’s probably (mostly) evolutionary, reinforced by culture. I’d say the neutral range preference would be 24-28, but culture pushes it down a bit for men.

And yet when you say women do the same thing with height, they tell you how it’s “different.” Evidence:

I don’t see the difference at all. Anyway, notice how the question is worded. It’s deceptive; it’s not actually measuring what the feminist ragesplosion thinks it’s measuring. The wording was, “the age of women who look best to him.”

With rare exception, the average 20-year-old woman is going to be more physically pulchritudinous than the average 40-year-old. That’s just life, and that’s what the wording means. Who “looks best to me” is not necessarily who I want to date, or to be in a long-term relationship with. That’s true of most men. (And you know what: most women will definitely have a short-term fling with a much younger man, and will admit it if you phrase the question right!) Is it really so shocking, especially in completely obesity-ridden cultures, that someone 20 is more beautiful than someone who’s 40 or 50? I mean, come on, that’s not even a fucking insight. It’s a false rage-boggle.

At least 90% of the outrage is due to the desire to eliminate competition from the dating market, because older women who tend to be bitter, do nothing with their lives, and aren’t that interesting and are no longer beautiful absolutely cannot compete on any axis with a 22-year-old. A bunch of wine moms raging against life and nature, with all the baggage of a fucking Airbus A380. Sure, that’s who I’d want to date were I in the market. 🤮

But sure, height is, like, totally different as a hard requirement, because that’s so easy to change….