Feb 24


You don’t really need to train 6-7 times a week like I do to see significant gains. I am doing that because I am willing to make the tradeoff.

And that tradeoff is that I work out twice as hard for maybe 25% more gains. If that math doesn’t work for you, you can cut your time and energy expended in half and forego only 25% of progress. My partner doesn’t work out nearly as often/hard as I do but she is still seeing large improvements.

As said, it’s a tradeoff. I am willing to expend a lot more effort in this case to see relatively not as much progress because I have the time and the interest (and the ability). But it’s not necessary to make substantial progress.

Feb 24


Yes. The US judicial system is terrible and it’s still better than what happens in social media. And my side is the worst of all, unfortunately.

(Yes, I know that is satire. Great satire.)

Feb 24

MB Gecko

One of the things I like about living in Florida is that when you stick your hand in a dark mailbox, you never know what’s going to run away, scurry around, or possibly bite you. The possibilities are endless!

Feb 24


I want a Smith machine. Used one a few times, but in the army I always had a spotter so it was never really needed. However, I am not very good at squats because I have terrible balance and this would be very helpful with that. Having one would also mean that I could bench without a spotter, too.

Also, fucking hell she’s huge! (In a good way.) That’s what spending 10+ years in the gym will do for you. Anyway, I like how unlike a lot of exercise videos she didn’t ramble on for an hour with something that only needs a few minutes.

Feb 24


I’m liking the show Bunheads better than I thought I would.

Unlike Amy Sherman-Palladino’s other show, Gilmore Girls, it tells more of a story and it’s not just a bunch of people chatting and whip-cracking witty quips until the quip whip quits. And of course, Emma Dumont, which is the best I’ve seen since Carrie Coon addicted me to The Leftovers. But once I got used to the very stage-play-like nature of the show it’s turned out to be a fun watch. Treats the lives of teenage girls respectfully and with humor, but is not just about them (was lensed when Emma D. was maybe 17-18) and has some sense of setting that Gilmore Girls for me just lacked.

I’m not sure I’d recommend it. It’s not to everyone’s taste. But it’s better than most other shows and it makes me laugh sometimes. The gag about a coupon for renting the Intrepid was particularly funny. And as I mentioned previously, Kelly Richards is also really good.

Feb 23


If I were Bezos rich, I wouldn’t have a massive car collection, a bunch of houses or anything like that. What I’d have is the best aquarium ever seen on this planet. Well, aquarium complex. It’d make the one in Atlanta look like something constructed by a swarm of pikers. It’d be vast and comprehensive. It’d have constellations of keepers and tenders and scientists (I’d want real research to be done there), and a couple of days a week it’d be open to the public for free. Mess with my fish, though, and into the shark tank you go.

So that’s what I’d have. The largest and best aquarium on the entire planet.

Feb 23


I think the party line from women has to be that all woman-uninitiated contact in public is harassment because women get so very much undesired contact.

As I’ve gotten slimmer, fitter and richer, though, I notice I get more contact initiated from women in public, especially if I am not with my partner. I don’t consider it harassment though it mostly doesn’t interest me either way. I have extremely low social capacity, though my social skills are pretty good these days.

Today at Morton’s (a local grocery store) for instance, a woman in my age range noticed me looking at pies in the case and said, “That one, that one right there is good.” She pointed at a chocolate mousse pie. Everything about her body language and approach told me she wanted me to talk to her more. I just wanted to get my dessert and go home, which I did (without being rude).

Branching off from that, it is definitely true that most feminist dating “advice” is absolute worthless garbage. If you listen to and follow any of that, good luck getting any dates ever. You don’t need to go full PUA but one of the reasons the PUA community is hated (apart from their raging misogyny) is because much of their basic advice works. Feminists like Amanda Marcotte see it as undesirable, geeky guys leveling up undeservedly, but it’s really just learning to be social and to read cues better. (I think this is most of the reason it’s hated, the Marcotte reasons, not the misogyny. To “feminists” like Marcotte, the mere existence of geeky, undesirable guys is misogyny.)

Feb 23


Posting this because women are often told they should not lift weights. That’s terrible advice; you should get you some weights, heavy ones, and lift them fuckers.

Feb 23


The open borders crowd is almost-exclusively composed of those who do not and never will have to compete with immigrants in the labor market.

What a surprise (not).

Feb 23

Rage Against

Indeed. It’s already starting, but there’s going to be so much more. Of those who live, the rage will be epic and destructive and transformative.

It might be our only hope.