Feb 25


Excellence or even making an effort, even if it’s not that good, produces haters. They are unavoidable, inevitable, part and parcel of doing anything. It doesn’t mean you should give up. It means you are probably doing something right.

For instance, at least 80% of Elon Musk haters are that way because he’s undertaking big projects successfully. Yes, there are valid critiques of Musk but these are rarely made. It’s mostly just jealousy, spite, and cupidity.

I was never more despised in my life than when I started attempting to improve myself in early high school. Both my friends and my already-enemies brought it on, hard. Was it worth it? Oh hell yes.

Making an effort, especially in today’s culture, turns you into a target. Enjoy being a target. Those who cannot do themselves gain relative status by tearing down others (explains most of the SJW movement). This attempt at destruction if you face it means you are more likely to be on a productive path.

Feb 25

Left Not Forward

This is what I mean when I say the left and feminism has left me behind. Some of the biggest supporters of the murder of sex workers in the form of FOSTA/SESTA were “feminists.”

And all the fucking Russian conspiracy-mongering, the complete acceptance of the FA movement’s ideological trash, the belief that there is no such thing as biological sex of any kind, etc. It’s just too much. You can live in crazytown but I sure don’t have to dwell there.

Feb 25

No Fail

This one isn’t a fail at all. It’s pretty impressive. That’s either a 335 or 345 pound deadlift, and the lift is pretty clean (good form). That she still made the lift while vomiting halfway through is even more impressive, really.

Probably came from drinking too much water or similar right before. I don’t drink much before or while deadlifting, and definitely no carbonated drinks. It’s painful and I could see myself doing the same thing if I drank too much.

Feb 25

Fail Flail

40 Gym Fails.

Yet another reason I don’t work out in a gym.

Most of these aren’t fails in the sense this video probably means, but rather people deriving little to no benefit from the workout. Might as well not do it, then, especially if your atrocious form means you’re going to injure yourself eventually.

(And unless you’re doing shrugs, not doing the full range of motion of an exercise does just about nothing. Do the full exercise with less weight; it’ll benefit you far more even with low weight. Just do more reps.)

Feb 25


I think in a democracy more people should have a say — including young people.

Knowing it’d never pass, I’d propose a plan like this. The voting age starts at 10, or maybe 12, but you don’t get a full vote at that age. At 12, say, you get 1/10 of a vote. For every year your age increases, your vote total increases by 1/10. So at 13, you’d get 2/10 of a vote, at 14, 3/10, etc.

At 18, it jumps to 10/10 or one vote and then begins to increase by 1/10 a year until the age of 35, where you’d have a huge 2.7 votes — then it starts decreasing again until it eventually goes down to 0.5 of a vote and stays there until your death.

No, it isn’t perfect but we’re seeing now the huge disadvantages of old people having the absolute de facto power they now possess, and that is climate change is going to kill directly and indirectly millions to billions of young people who have no say at all in reversing it or adapting to it. Old people have reaped all the gains, pulled up the ladder behind them and said a big “fuck you” to their children and grandchildren.

That’d be a bit harder to do with a scheme like the above.

Feb 25

Smart But

Exactly why I did not become a writer! I am a very good to great writer, and I can churn out high-quality writing very quickly with little editing required. But it’s still a terrible career. Writers make little and novelists fare on average worst of all.

Instead, I went into IT because I also enjoy computers and it pays well, has lots of employment options, and is not terribly geography-constrained. I’m comparatively much better at writing than I am at IT work but it doesn’t matter because writing can’t buy a retirement or an SS.

Feb 25

Car People

This thread is fully of funny stories about the SS. I thought the car would be more lowkey than it has turned out to be. To most, though, it does look like a cheapo family car, but car people know what it is and are interested in it when they notice exactly what it is.

The most memorable experience is I’d parked (as I always do) far away from everyone when going to a Walmart. When I return to my car, there’s a woman in an SUV taking pictures of my car with her phone. A lot of pictures. She saw me coming and drove away so I didn’t get to talk to her.

The other was someone who walked up to me in a parking lot asking about the car. “What is that, one of them cars from Australia, right?”

I said, “Yeah, it’s a Holden with a Chevy badge. Sold in limited numbers in the US as the SS.”

“What’s that got, like a V6 with 250 horsepower or so?”

I said, “No, it’s got the V8 LS3 Corvette engine with 415HP in it. It’s basically a four door ‘Vette.”

His mouth dropped open when he heard the HP numbers….

Feb 24


You don’t really need to train 6-7 times a week like I do to see significant gains. I am doing that because I am willing to make the tradeoff.

And that tradeoff is that I work out twice as hard for maybe 25% more gains. If that math doesn’t work for you, you can cut your time and energy expended in half and forego only 25% of progress. My partner doesn’t work out nearly as often/hard as I do but she is still seeing large improvements.

As said, it’s a tradeoff. I am willing to expend a lot more effort in this case to see relatively not as much progress because I have the time and the interest (and the ability). But it’s not necessary to make substantial progress.

Feb 24


Yes. The US judicial system is terrible and it’s still better than what happens in social media. And my side is the worst of all, unfortunately.

(Yes, I know that is satire. Great satire.)

Feb 24

MB Gecko

One of the things I like about living in Florida is that when you stick your hand in a dark mailbox, you never know what’s going to run away, scurry around, or possibly bite you. The possibilities are endless!