Oct 24

Weather forecast: bullety

Since it’s clear we’ll do nothing at all about mass shootings and enormous gun violence, it’s probably better to just treat it like the weather: an unremarkable, predictable event that just happens. We should also just report it as such.

We already effectively do this. Seen much about the Vegas shooting lately? I bet a lot of people have already completely forgotten it.

The weather today: 82 degrees and mild. Slaughter level: 12 people dead in mass shootings. The forecast is 37 by the end of the day, with a possibility of the high 40s. Back to you, Dana.

Oct 24


These costume names and their attempts at avoiding trademark infringement are just hilarious:

“Casual Jeb Bush.” Just…yes.

Oct 23

Different time

Here’s how much of a different time it was when I grew up:

One of my teachers in high school had a shirtless picture of Jon Bon Jovi up in her classroom. It was not even seen as really that odd, other than the fact that she was one of the more stodgy, prim and proper teachers in the school.

It was definitely hers; no student had put it up. She professed her adoration for Jon more than once in class.

People say things haven’t really changed. But have they ever.

Oct 22

Up it

The one thing Apple is missing from the Finder toolbar is a damn up button. Makes it difficult to use. People have said you cannot add one.

People are wrong.

But it’s not that easy. We are 1337 h4x0rz and can do it, though.

As with all such 1337 whatever, we are going to use a GUI application. So, first, open Automator. We want to create a new application. Scroll down to where it says, “Run Applescript” and drag that over to the right.

Then delete whatever code is in there and paste in this code:

tell application "Finder"
tell front window to set theFolder to target
tell front window to set target to parent of target
tell front window to select theFolder
end tell

Save it as an application in your “Applications” folder. Don’t forget to choose an icon. What fun is it without that?

Now we have to actually add it to Finder (make sure you give it permissions to run).

To add it to the Finder toolbar, we’ll drag it to that location while holding the “Option” and “Command” keys. On a Windows-focused keyboard — which is what I use — these are the “Alt” and “Windows” keys

Woo. Now you have an up button on your Finder toolbar. Makes it 80% more usable. Not too bad, right? And they said it couldn’t be done. 😉

Oct 21


I was disappointed to find that Robert Scoble — whose opinion I’ve relied on for years — is a harassing, assaulting scumbag.

But what the shit is this?

The conventional wisdom really is becoming that anyone you meet anywhere in real life should be unapproachable. I’m not just making this up. In what kind of world is having an affair sexual harassment? Who is harassing whom? Are they both harassing each other? What if neither one of them is male? And how did the logic develop?

By this measure, my partner and I, who are both in the same industry, are harassing one another every day.

Humans suck.

Oct 21

High and bold

Buy and hold is for chumps.

Yet, it is better than what most people do which is the exact opposite of the wise thing to do.

But I’m not a chump, so it’s not for me. Buy and hold is what you do when anything else you could do would be dumber than that.

Fortunately, I have other options.

I’m not feeling particularly humble today. But I’ve been busy planning my moves for the crisis that is inevitably approaching.

Oct 21


Anyone that is 100% invested in the market now is totally crazypants. Well, the average person shouldn’t change anything because they invariably make terrible decisions. Buy, hold, and pray is about all you have.

But I’m going to tell ya’ll what I am going to do, and then I’m going to do it.

When the market craters — which it will inevitably — I’m gonna make a load of money.

I’m a capitalist in this respect because I have to be to avoid having a bad life.

Oct 21

Files on Mac

If you want to see exactly what files your Mac is monkeying with at any given moment for a given process, open a terminal and do this:

sudo fs_usage -w -f filesys mdworker | egrep "open"

I used that to determine if Spotlight was actually indexing what I told it to, but it could be useful for a wide variety of troubleshooting.

That will not work on Linux. For Linux, something like this would do something similar, though there is no single utility available on Linux that is as versatile or useful as “fs_usage:”

sudo lsof -p 2075

Where “2075” is the PID number.

The utility “strace” might work, too.

Also, “fs_usage” can be run without specifying a process, but that is probably not a good idea as the output will be vast.

The reason I like using a Mac vs. Linux or Windows apart from how vastly better the Mac handles hi-dpi and mixed dpi is that in Linux and Windows, you can usually find something that works…sort of. On the Mac, you can usually find the one tool that works perfectly.

That has mattered more to me as I’ve gotten older.