Oct 16

Form by mor

It’s disappointing how hobbled Firefox 57 is. Anything I want or need to do is basically just impossible. Tasks that used to take me less than a second now take 30-45 seconds. Sometimes up to 10 minutes in extreme cases.

It’s a browser for morons, by morons.

Oct 16

Standing under

A former friend of mine argued that you didn’t actually understand something until you could work it out mathematically.

Then he’d get angry that I could accurately reason about what would happen in complicated relativity problems intuitively, without doing any math, and that he couldn’t do this.

Sorry, buddy, you know the equation. But I know what the equation means.

Oct 16

Not at all smart

How do so many people stand to browse sites on their smartphones?

Phones — even the very best ones — are so weak and terrible compared to any decent computer.

I’m constantly shocked by the willingness of people to subject themselves to just horrible experiences for the sake of artificial convenience.

Oct 16

Three lip

There Never Was a Real Tulip Fever.

Beware of this. While the extent of Tulipmania has almost certainly been exaggerated, this bit of historical revisionism is an effort by the economics profession to advance the dogma that there is no such thing as a bubble; that whatever the price the market decides for an item is the correct price and that the price is rational.

There is actually very little economic data from that time, and any accounts are pretty speculative — so whoever writes definitively about this topic is probably at least 50% wrong.

Knowing when you are being subjected to propaganda is difficult. That piece, though, is both the result and the spearpoint of some pretty effective propaganda. It is weaponized intellectualism and “expertise” at work.

Oct 15

The 70s

Ok these pants are kind of epic.

But things were even worse before Photoshop. That woman isn’t even there! That’s some sort of cardboard cutout, which is very apropos to the whole spirit of the ad and the text below “her.”

I still want a pair of those pants, though.

Oct 15

Clark can’t

I try to like St. Vincent’s (Annie Clark’s) music. It seems like something I should like. But it just leaves me cold.

I do like one song of hers — the one song most unlike her other songs.

Odd when that happens. You think something should be right up your alley but it just isn’t.

Oct 14


So I got a new 5K iMac. It’s noticeably faster than the older model, mostly because of the doubled GPU memory, and SSD improvements.

The old one was called “5KofGlory.” This one is called “5K5Glorious.”

I should make Vin Diesel doing manly things with cars my background to really complete the theme.