Dec 07


Yep. When FOSTA/SESTA was being debated and nearly everyone was so ecstatic about this horrible law, people like me were warning what would happen. We were told, “Nah, it’ll just prevent sex trafficking.” Supposedly, we were over-reacting and just plain wrong.

Then FOSTA/SESTA passed, it increased trafficking (also predictable) and simultaneously made it harder to combat and meanwhile caused real repression of freedom of expression and marginalized people which is only going to get worse. Far worse.

Which, you know, was exactly what we few said would happen.

I sincerely wish people were smarter. Stupid-ass motherfuckers, many of whom were liberals. Fuck all ya’ll.

Dec 07

American Left Out

The American Left and Right are more similar than different. Both believe in American exceptionalism. Both are fully neoliberal in outlook and approach.

Because both believe in American exceptionalism, they subscribe to the idea that we can “fix” other countries and peoples — the Right believes we can do it with military adventurism and bombs while the Left holds that we can do it with compassion, open borders, and saying all the right words. The Left’s version sure sounds nicer but is about as likely to work in reality given that there is no plan there or good ideas, just as there is none for the Right.

As I recently wrote to someone else, one area where I agree with the objectivists to some extent is that compassion and altruism are used all too often for bullying claims on other people’s time and resources, with no realistic plan to make it work well for anyone. It’s a variant of “what about the children” but more intellectually-framed. The Left is guilty of this particularly reference immigration.

I wish more people were more thoughtful.

Dec 06

Unique Dead

One thing that is unique about the deadlift: it’s a big Central Nervous System shock. That’s the main reason the recovery time is so protracted compared to other exercises. It’s basically tricking your body into thinking, Oh, shit, my life is in danger.

It should be mentioned that this isn’t bad for you. It’s actually good! Controlled stress that is not prolonged of this type improves your mind and body — totally different from the ceaseless, repetitive stress of, say, a terrible job.

But deadlifts are like fighting a bear. This is also why I like them.

Dec 06


“Propitiate” is a good word. I like that word. I need to use it more to propitiate my desire to use that word.

Dec 06

Failing and Flailing

Yep. I tend to be abysmally bad at anything the first time I try it, too. Like, the worst you’ve ever seen. I’ve shown up to do things and people have literally asked me, “Why are you even here?”

But I also get better really quickly. Generally, in a few months I’m better than the people criticizing me by far. It took me a long time to learn that about myself, though. My family just told me I was worthless and incompetent when I wasn’t good at something right away.

Now, I just keep plugging away and know that I’ll exceed most people after a bit. And I even figured out why I’m such a huge failure early. I don’t trust people to know what’s the best way for me, so I like to do my own thing even if it doesn’t seem to make sense. It’s just in my nature. A lot of times, the “right” way to do something really is correct. But many times, it isn’t. Discovering this is very valuable and often gives me a huge advantage.

So I’ve embraced my incompetence and failure.

Dec 05


Tumblr’s priorities, a list.

Nazis: good.

Fascists: good.

Boobs: bad.

Sumo wrestlers: bad.

White Supremacists: doubleplusgood.

Shows you where capitalism’s priorities are, yeah? It naturally morphs into fascism over time. Tumblr demonstrates just that.

Dec 05

Upturned Noses

Brilliant post.

This is a story that keeps repeating itself in different eras and different places. Capital has learned how to make itself look very seductive to the Leftists. It says all the right things, it doesn’t permit itself to give off even a whiff of un-PC ideas. Capital just smells nice. And those unhappy, angry workers can never win that competition. They can never manage to use the correct slogans or show up at a convenient time.

This is also how #metoo became more about policing assortative mating and class than harassment and assault prevention.

Turns out real life is complicated and actual people are messy, uncouth, and have their own desires. It’s hard for “educated” leftists to handle that.

Dec 05

Grating In

This is 80% at least of liberal “compassion” and desire for open borders and mass immigration right here. Otherwise, they would not be so very passionate about it. Need that cheap labor, ya’ll.